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Secret Identities – Pendragon Concepts

I ask fwooshmembers questions. 

They answer them. 

Pendragon Concepts – " Freaking ridiculous."

Where do you live?

Currently I live in NJ. Exciting isn’t it? But originally from MA & always have a love for Boston.

Who is in your family?

Just my wife & me. My parents also live in NJ. Which I’m not sure how to feel about. My In-Laws live in Long Island. And my brother lives in LA. He used to be a Hollywood agent so he’s got some great stories to tell. We talk a lot about movies.

What do you collect?

I collect mainly comics. I do collect some figures. Usually ones that catch my eye. I also used to collect Alex Ross artwork, but ran out of wall space.

I like Alex Ross. He’s a great guy. Really appreciative of this fans. I met him at a signing at the old Warner Brothers Store in NYC

Have you met any other of comic’s pros?

I’ve met a lot comic greats and most of them are really great.
I met Mignolia right after Hellboy principal filming was completed. I asked how it went, & he was giddy as a schoolgirl. So excited. Couldn’t wait until the effects were added.
Matt Wagner was great. We talked about how his Sandman Mystery Theatre would have made a great movie or TV show. He’s just an honest guy. Really great.
David Mazzucchelli of Batman: Year One & Daredevil: Born Again was great. He drew pics instead of just giving me a regular signature.
Jim Steranko I can’t figure out. I gave him a TPB to sign but he refused because he got screwed from Marvel on it. Marvel didn’t ask him for permission on reprinting the stories.
Walter & Louise Simonson incredible people. For a while I was contemplating writing for comics but I was confused about the format (I used to write screenplays & there’s an industry standard on the format). So she gave me her e-mail & we were corresponding back & forth with her showing me examples of writing a comic script.
With all the people I’ve met in comics, most of them are extremely appreciative of their fans.
Though I have called Rob Liefeld a hack to his face.
I find that the Gold & silver age creators are the most appreciative.
I met & had a wonderful conversation with Wildcat creator & legend Irwin Hasen. Amazing man.
I also have met Huntress creator Joe Staton. Also a great guy.
A lot of people just ignore these guys at cons & it ticks me off.
They need to appreciate these greats.
Also, they need to support organizations like the HERO INITIATIVE, which helps these people with health care & stuff.

And Rob Liefeld did apologize for drawing breasts on Captain America.
I think the fact the characters kept changing costume panel to panel was more than an issue. Lord knows why he’s popular.

Do you remember your first comic?

Yes I do. And I still have it, and it was signed by Nick Cardy. Brave & The Bold # 94. My Grandma gave it to me when I was 3. Amazing I still have it.

Which do you prefer; Marvel or DC?

I’m neither. I swing back & forth. I know my surname says "Nu Marvel Hater" but that’s so not true. At the time I wasn’t impressed with Marvel. But currently I’m digging some of Marvel titles. I think both companies have their pros & cons. But both companies are on a downward spiral with me. With Joe Q enforcing his personal views on smoking and that moron Bendis, and Didio acting as the Grim Reaper, it’s hard to really love either. Both companies need to smarten up & fire both of these morons. But seriously, they are both doing better than ever-in sales. But that can be due to the Internet. Even though Marvel sells more books doesn’t mean it’s better. It just means they sell more. It’s like the way Adam Sandler is popular. Just because it sells, doesn’t mean it’s good. I’ve been reading comics since 1971 & do a lot research on the Golden & Silver Ages. I really think comics were better before.

More creators of feel to do what they want when they are independent. I think that helps with the success of [books like] Hellboy

I got into Maus in college. In a history class I took, Maus was required reading. Being Jewish myself, the story really spoke to me. I feel it’s an extremely important story for everyone to read, especially if you’re Jewish. I actually met Art Spiegelman. Really nice guy.

Is Art Spegielman dead?
Nah, Art is still alive & kicking. In fact he’s appearing in the Simpsons on November 18th with Jack Black, Alan Moore, & Dan Clowes.

What do you like better in your comics the art or the story?

It needs to be a perfect balance in my mind. I loved The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, but Kevin O’Neill’s artwork killed it for me. But O’Neill’s art is perfect for me in Marshal Law. I’m weird that way.

What are some of your favorites?

Past – The Question, Starman, Sandman Mystery Theatre, Deathblow, Backlash, Marshall Law, Maus.
Current – Astro City, Avengers: The Initiative, Captain America, Justice League of America, Justice Society of America, New Warriors, The Spirit, Thor, Wildcats

Do you have a library and keep it in order?

I’m a little anal & keep my TPBs in order. I also have 2 file cabinets filled with comics. None of them are really worth anything, as I sold all my valuable ones when I was strapped for cash.

Do you like the collected issues in one big book and arc? I mean are
you still picking up stuff weekly or have you made the change of
sampling and waiting?

I still pick up weekly books, but titles like Hellboy where I know I’m going to buy it in TPB; I just wait for the TPB. When I buy TPB it’s for story lines that I feel are timeless & can read over and over again.
I love going to the comic store & just reading & discussing comics.

What is your most prized comic possession?
The first comic I ever got (Brave & The Bold # 94) & my Question series.

What is the best part about DC?

The best part of DC is the rich history of the characters. I love the Golden Age heroes. Justice Society being one of my favorites. DC was 10 times better before Didio. I hate the fact that this moron is killing off characters one by one. Just to introduce younger ones.
As for Morrison, he’s extremely hyped. He’s not that good. All-Star Superman is just rehashed Silver Age stories with large gaps in between issues so the readers are like WTF?
His stuff is really crap.
Sandman was amazing. And Gaiman is extremely talented. DC needs to give him more credit.

Do you have a favorite character?

There are several characters I love.
I’ll see if I can narrow it down.

Currently really digging Winter Solider.
Brubaker has done an incredible job with this character.

Hands down the Question.
Not the new female one.
I’m talking the original one that was re-imagined by O’Neil & Cowan.
Vic Sage The Question.

I highly recommend this title to everyone.
They just came out with a TPB and look for it in the back issues bins.

Hellboy hands down.
Mignola does an incredible job.
Not just the art but also the amount of research he does on myths, stories, and legends.
Really great stuff.
Oh also The Spirit. Yeah, I know now he’s a DC character, but started as an indie. Will Eisner is an incredible writer & artist.

What is good to know about Morrison?

Morrison is hugely hyped. A Grant Morrison story doesn’t have a plot so much as it has characters announcing things. "Here come the sound-armored whales of Armageddon! But there’s no time! We have to reverse the polarity of the Wold-Newton Engines before the sentient handshakes cross the grape-flavored breach in the barrier built of solid time!" And so forth. He’s certainly not bad, just not as good as the hype would have you believe.

Do you think comics are a valid way of being introduced to ideas
or values? There are a lot of kids reading them.

It’s bull. Joe Q is worried about kids smoking but it’s OK for them to go try leaping from building to building. Shooting guns in the name of justice? Please. Joe need to have his hands broken. He’s a f**king moron.
As for kids reading them. Parents need to take an interest in what their kids are reading, just like what they are watching on TV.

What is the future of the comic?

I think web comics still have a long way to go.
Something very satisfying about actually holding a comic in your hands.
As for stories, I think they’ll continue to decline.
Yes sales have never been better, but great sales doesn’t mean good stories.
Hiring people from Hollywood is a horrible idea. Whedon can finish X-Men. Allan Heinberg can finish his run on Wonder Woman.
Then there are the huge egos of Bendis, Johns, Millar, and Morrison.
These guys just suck. They were great when they started, with an exception of Morrison, but now they think they are the best around.
DC & Marvel need to fire their EIC because Quesada & Didio are ruining comics with their own agendas.
It’s ticking me off already.
After that god awful Heroes Reborn from Marvel, Busiek was trying to return to the 70’s-80’s of Marvel, and then Bendis screws up everything in 4 small issues.
! @#$ morons.

 Who would win firebug or waterrat?

The shield-slinger because he’d smack both of them upside the head & tell them to knock it off.

Do you customize?

I do. I find it hard to schedule time to do it. Just so busy these days, but I usually pump out about 2 or 3 a year. Yup. Slow

You sometimes post in the parts/fodder thread.

I personally try to plan out my customs, so I have a list of characters I want to make. So there’ll be parts I don’t need.
If I can help someone out with fodder I will.

What kind of music do you like?

Wow. What a question. I’m extremely picky of my music. I like a lot of types. My favorite bands are Ned’s Atomic Dustbin, The Police, & Toad the Wet Sprocket. A little different, but music needs to speak to me for me to like it. I have a very eclectic taste

What type of food do you eat?

I think the only thing I don’t eat is Indian food. Not that I don’t like it, I just never tried it. I usually like to keep my food slightly on the healthy side. I also love to cook. I find it extremely relaxing. One my favorite dishes to make is Pad Thai. Love Thai food.

How many hours do you sleep per day?

I’m an insomniac. I average about 2-3 hrs a night. Stress keeps me up. I’m able to fall asleep, but I can’t stay asleep. I have a lot of lucid dreams. Which means my brain is conscious when I’m dreaming. Sucks.

What are your future plans?

Future plans. Well my wife & I are planning to try for our first child this April. We haven’t been in the best financial shape since we’ve been married. We are also waiting because she’s a teacher & she’s up for tenure in April. Need that job security.

Do you follow sports?

Oh hell no. I think that sports are really screwing up American values. It’s pathetic that the Super Bowl is treated like a freaking holiday.
Other countries have a balance of arts & sports, but not here in America.
Schools always have enough money for sports but never for arts.
Freaking ridiculous.
The world would be a hell of a lot better without sports.


Thanks Pen. 



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