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Enchanted Toy Chest Contest – Win free stuff

Attention Fwooshers! Scott from Enchanted Toy Chest recently dropped by the DC forum to announce a little contest he is sponsoring to help update his ad banner. Wanna take a chance to win some free stuff? Read on to find out how you can use your creativity and artistic moxy to get some free toys.

He is what Scott has to say:

OK fellow Fwooshers. I need your help. I think it is time for me to freshen up my banner ad. As you can probably tell, my artistic ability is something to be desired. So, I throw it out to you guys in the form of a contest. All I need is a banner ad that is 728 x 90 pixels. The top three submissions will each get a store credit of $40 towards the purchase of any item either in stock or pre-order. The credit must be used on a new order and not an existing one. The contest will end on January 12 at midnight Central time. Please send all entrees to enchantedtoychest [at] SBCGlobal [dot] net. The submission must include your contact information (name, address, phone number & e-mail) as well as your Fwoosh ID name. This contest is only open to Fwoosh members registered prior to today’s date (December 22, 2007). Please put "Fwoosh contest" in the subject line of your submission. All submissions will become the property of Enchanted Toy Chest LLC and can be used by us at any time in the future regardless if they are the winning submission. The three top winners will be chosen by me and my employees. Submission of an entry is an acknowledgement of accepting these terms.

Good Luck
Enchanted Toy Chest

Now is your chance to get some cool free toys of your choice and see your work in lights on The Fwoosh. Go forth and create! Thanks to Scott and ETC for sponsoring this contest.


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