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Hasbro: Marvel Legends Age of Apocalypse Sugar Man Review

Guys, we have come to the point in Marvel Legends where we now have Sugar Man as a Build-a-Figure entry in the line. Now, that is not taking anything away from him from a character standpoint, but really, I feel like if Sugar Man can be in ML, just about any character can.

This is absolutely bonkers. Sure, the entire ML series is predicated on the fact that all of the standard figures are important players in the popular 1990s X-Men comic storyline Age of Apocalypse, but man alive, if you think about it, it took some stones on Hasbro’s part to toss in the Azucar Hombre as the build. I mean, every character has at least one fan out there, and I am willing to bet that Sugar Man actually has a lot of fans, but the fact that the common sense tilt for a BAF in this series could have easily defaulted to someone like Sabertooth, of even you know – APOCALYPSE himself, makes this pick pretty crazy, and let me tell you, I am HERE for it. I mean, LOOK AT THIS DUDE.

Admittedly, AoA does not rank up there with some of my favorite X-Men stories, but that is okay, comics, and ML for that matter, are for everyone, so I am glad to see some diverse inclusion of storytelling here. That said, even only having a very pedestrian knowledge of Sugar Man as a character, I am beyond thrilled with this figure. He offers a chance to get another unique character in the line that has not even come close to whiffing in before, and the design is just absolutely nuts. In some ways, it represents the best and worst of comics in the 1990s, but it certainly does make for an insane figure. I mean, how can you look at this figure and not be completely taken by his disgusting beauty?

Let’s see, he is mostly a head with horns, a giant mouth, and a disgusting tongue. Add to that FOUR arms, chunky little legs, a flippin’ hammer, and scene buttons on his ridiculous suspenders, and you have a formula for love as far as I am concerned. He is gross and beautiful, and awesome and terrible, and well-conceived and a train wreck all at the same time. As far as I am concerned, if you can make that work, you are most worthy of being in my ML collection without even having to consider the history of your character. I mean, I have three young daughters, the oldest won’t even be in the same room as this figure, but my one year-old loves it, so if you have cause such a deep divide on visceral attributes alone in this house, working in a weird and mysterious way.

Bless you, young Sugar Man. You represent exactly where I love being in terms of the ML line as whole (ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE), but you are also a beautifully horrific addition all on your own. Sure, I might have bought a few standard figures that I otherwise would not have gotten to acquire you, but that is how ML works, and it is not the first or last time I will be doing that. Guys, even if AoA holds no interest for you (I get it), this little scamp cannot be outside of your collection, he is just far too bananas not to acknowledge. Don’t miss out on him, okay?