In case you haven’t realized it, Hasbro’s G.I. Joe Classified Series may just be my favorite line at the moment.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still enjoying my Star Wars and Marvel and…all the other stuff I buy, but there’s something magical about new Joes. Some don’t care for the updates. That’s okay. Others don’t care for the scale. That’s okay too. For me, this is the first G.I. Joe line that caught my eye and sucked me in, and that’s including the vintage figures.
Breaking it down to it’s core, this is basically MY Joes.
At first the color choices and modernization (or even futurization. Futurization? The sci-fi elements) threw me a bit but I’ve come around to most of it. The gold still bugs me but not nearly as much. In all those aspects Scarlett probably strays the most from her classic design. The throwing stars on the arm are there, the crossbow, the red(ish) hair, the strap over the right shoulder even though it’s now been fitted with a JoePro. Those are basic Scarlett elements.
She even has the spicy mustard costume colors in places, but it’s mixed with a wild palette. Blue and gray and gold and lighter blue and red and black and more gold. Like I just said, I don’t mind the leg armors or even the big left shoulder plate, but if anything, the colors need to be toned down or cut back a bit.
The head is probably my other minor gripe. It looks good, and the freckles and facial features are nicely applied, I just feel it looks a bit young. Which isn’t terrible at all. Just not how I think of Scarlett. And I guess the hair could be less fiery orange and more….scarlet?
But overall, a good addition to the team and some nice action figure engineering. The crossbow comes apart but I think that’s to avoid breaking the thin parts when jamming it in her hands. And there’s always the shame with single elbows not going as far as I want but I’ve gotten used to it on female figures. She still has lots of range in other places but I’d still like to see double elbows.
Now bring on Baroness and Jinx and Lady Jaye and Cover Girl and Zarana and and and….
Close Ups
Head Swaps