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Hasbro: The Bounty Collection The Child

Normally we talk about super-articulated figures here, but I was so enamored with The Mandalorian that I’m buying merch like a fiend. I think I pre-ordered every iteration of Baby Yoda they’ve made available and now this stuff is starting to trickle in. Today we are going to take a look at the Bounty Collection, a set of small, non-articulated, highly stylized figurines of “The Child”.

The box has a nice bubble that povides a decent view of the figure. They can be stacked, but don’t balance very well. I do like that they use the “crib” as a bit of a design motif for the box.

So far the collection contains six slug figures, the first looks to depict the moment where the child is reaching out to Mando to heal him in episode 2.

The sculpting on this guy is really effective and I can almost feel him stretching out with all his little strength.

The second figure is probably Baby Yoda at his most meme-able, sipping broth.

The eyes on all of these have the white highlights painted on, but are pretty glossy and pick up the lights well. I like the texture sculpt of the furry collar and cuffs, though I wish they had a little wash in them to bring out that detail.

Figure three in the assortment has a super sad, droopy-eared expression. I’m not sure which specific moment from the show this is meant to represent, but he’s breaking my heart with his massive, sad eyes. Looks like he needs a hug for sure.

The fourth figure is Baby Yoda in mid-frog swallow and while that’s a fun moment on the show, looks a little disturbing frozen in time like he is.

This one is less cute and more nauseating for me.

The fifth figure is the one that I think looks better in the box than out.

This one has him wrapped up and peaking out of a blanket as seen in episode three of the show. I feel like the box orients him well for viewing and you can see his little face and teeny fingers poking out of the blanket, but it doesn’t balance like this out of the package and laying on the ground is a little less nice looking.

I propped him up on a piece of poster tack for the below shot and I may do this for when I find a shelf spot for these.

The last one is probably my favorite because the look of joy at grabbing the shifter knob is perfection.

In general, I really like the caricatured style of these little figurines and feel like they effectively portray some great moments in the show. At about two inches tall, they don’t really fit in with anything I collect, the size and style is too different, but I’m good with that. I’m just really into the show, guys. Here is one with a black series Mando for scale.

The style and size is almost fudgeable with the Forces of Destiny figures from a few years back.

Almost. I don’t need, nor did I expect these little figurines to fit in with my collection, they are a fun oddity unto themselves. I do wish they were a little cheaper. They were sold in sets of two at $16 and while the paint and sculpting is solid on these figures, $8 each seems a little high to me. Again, I really like the show.