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Legends Action Figure Newsletter 160


Hello people, Hope everyone is well.

*_Here are a few updates:_*

*1) *European comics merchandise started arriving in the store this
week.. That’s right, lots of people have been asking for this stuff so
merchandise from: Tintin, Astérix, Lucky Luke, Barbapapa, Marsupilami,
Gaston Lagaffe, Boule & Bill, Caliméro and others made their way to our
store shelves, these have not been added to our website inventory yet,
but they will shortly. Avalaible products will include: PVC figures,
Keychains, Banks, and a whole lot more
*2)* McFarlane has announced the line-up for the second series based on
Hanna-Barbera’s characters. This series should be available this
November and will include:

Fred Flintstone with Dino
Johnny Quest with Bandit the Dog
Magilla Gorilla with Mr. Peebles
Tom & Jerry
Captain Caveman with Dinosaur
Penelope Pitstop with Mutley the Dog
Yogi Bear with Boo Boo & Ranger Smith
Boxed Set: The Flintstones at the Drive-In

If you haven’t pre-ordered the first series yet that is scheduled for
July, you can do so here!
*3)* Nafekh Technologies Inc, the fine people who brought us the First
Canadian Prime Minister Sir John A. MacDonald action figure has
announced 2 new figures to come in the Canadian Legends line. Coming
this fall, Sir Wilfrid Laurier & Sir Isaac Brock will be the new
additions to this wonderful and educational line of toys. Stay tuned to
our website for pre-order informations on these figures coming soon or
check out their website right here! <>
*4)* Anybody here excited about the Upcoming Superman Returns
<> movie ??? Well, we have great
news for you! The fine people at Warner Bros. in collaboration with
LegendsAF will give some lucky people a chance to see this
sure-to-be-entertaining movie before anybody else. That’s right folks,
look out for a special newsletter coming to your in-box this week with
details on how you could win tickets to the Montreal premiere for the
return in theatres of "The Man of Steel". What??? You haven’t seen the
trailer yet??? You need to head over to the official website pronto and
check it out. Click on the Superman Logo right away!!!

Here is our weekly Newsletter:


Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl (NECA): Series 3
                                    Dead Man’s Chest (NECA): Series 1
                                    Dead Man’s Chest (Zizzle): 3 3/4"
figures, playsets & accessories

McFarlane Toys: Spawn: Series 29

Scarface: 18" Tony Montana

Family Guy: 12" Deluxe Talking Stewie with Rupert
                  18" Deluxe Talking Peter

DC Direct:  Superman/Batman: Series 2: The Return of Supergirl
                Superman Returns 13" Collector Figure
                Silver Age Superman Series 1
                DC Who’s Who figures

Marvel Legends: Monsters Box Set
                       Young Avengers Box Set

Final Fantasy VIII: Figures

Superman Returns: Ultimate Powers Superman 12" Figure

Marvel Select: Spider-Woman Action Figure

Marvel Minimates Max: Galactus Resin Statue
                                  Sentinel Resin Statue

WWE Classic Superstars: Series 10
                                      Stunt Action Ring

Stikfas: Assault Team
           Alpha Male Outdoor Adventurer
           G2 Sigma Male Egyptian

Attakus: General Grievous Statue

South Park: Series 2

Rambo: 12" John J. Rambo HALO Version

Sideshow: X-3 Juggernaut Maquette

Smurfs: Basic smurfs, Houses, Super Smurfs <>

NECA: 18" Ali: 1964: Clay VS. Linstin
Happy Worker: Super-Mom Action Figure


McFarlane Toys: Bram Stoker’s Dracula Box Set
                        Led Zeppelin 3-D Album Cover
                        Military Series 1 & 2nd Tour of Duty (limited
quantities, e-mail your wants)

The Batman: Batman EXP Batmobile
                   Batcave Playset

The Devil’s Rejects: Bloody Showdown Box Set

Sin City: Hartigan VS. Yellow Bastard Box Set

Marvel Legends: Fantastic Four 4-Pack Box Set
                       Fearsome Foes of Spider-Man Box Set

Usagi Yojimbo: Vinyl Figure <>

LEGO: Star Wars <>

Zizzlingers: Marvel Heroes
                Disney Princess <>

Toy Story & Beyond: Adventure Packs

Gumby: Gumby & Pokey Bendable Figures Set

Tim Burton’s Tragic Toys: PVC Figures 3-Packs

Stikfas: Re-Stock of several models


Star Wars: Gentle Giant Boba Fett Statue
               Saga Basic Figures wave 5

Stargate SG-1: Series 1

Sideshow Collectibles: 12" Anakin Skywalker
                                 X-3 Beast Maquette

Fantastic Four Classic: Series 2

Master Replicas: Force FX Double-Bladed Darth Maul Lightsaber

McFarlane Toys:  The Simpsons Family Couch Gag Box Set
Marvel Legends: Face-Off Twin-Packs

NECA : Masters of the Universe Staction Figures Series 3
           12" Chucky doll from Child’s Play


 1) Star Wars: Saga Collection Wave 6
 2) Star Wars: Gentle Giant Boba Fett Statue
 3) Marvel Legends: Giant Man Series
 4) Star Wars: Saga Collection Wave 5
 5) Marvel Legends: Face Off Twin Pack Series 1
 6) Elvis 6: Aloha Hawaii
 7) Star Trek: Captain Kirk in Chair Deluxe Figure Set
 8) Stargate SG-1: Series 1
 9) Nightmare Before Christmas: 24" Talking Jack Skellington
 10) Master Replicas: Darth Maul Force FX Double-Bladed Lightsaber

 1) Cars: Fast Talkin’ Lightning McQueen
 2) DC Direct: Superman/Batman: Series 2: The Return of Supergirl
 3) Spawn: Series 29
 4) Ice Age 2: Goin’ Nutz Scrat
 5) Marvel Legends: Monsters Box Set
 6) Marvel Legends: Young Avengers Box Set
 7) Marvel Select: Spider-Woman Action Figure
 8) Star Wars Miniatures: Champions of the Force Booster Packs
 9) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest Series 1
10) Scarface: 18" Tony Montana


*We are authorized dealers for the following companies:*
*If you don’t see it here, doesn’t mean we don’t have it, e-mail us !!!!*
*Have a Good week!!!*
*Steve, José, André, Henri, Frédéric, Simon & Chewie !*

E-mail: [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>

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Prices & availability subject to change without notice.
Legends Action figures Inc.
All rights reserved 1995-2006