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Hasbro: Power Rangers Lightning Collection Mighty Morphin Goldar Review

Goldar is a Gamestop exclusive figure and one of the more well-known characters from the show, so I put a pre-order in online as soon as I could. Unfortunately that pre-order was unceremoniously canceled, but I was able to secure one in store thanks to a couple of very helpful local Gamestop employees. Let’s take a look at Goldar!

Goldar was a mainstay villain from The Mighty Morphin Power-Rangers show, so it struck me as a little odd that he would be released as a store exclusive figure. It’s a little troubling to me that I almost missed out on such a crucial figure because of online store shenanigans.

The packaging is pretty cool. There’s a nice big window so you can see the figure well and they have swapped out the mainly white packaging of the regular release line to a brilliant gold. The figure photo on the back has a bit of a different paint job compared to the final figure, a paint job that is a lot more appealing than what we get.

Goldar comes with two extra hands, a sword, and an energy effect. I suppose the removeable wings could be considered accessories as well.

The wings attach to the holes in the back or the armor with a hinged peg. There’s also a swivel/hinge mid wing, so they can extend out. The wings are semi-soft plastic and are fairly thick, so there is some weight to them, but they stay extended and in place well. A cool inclusion might have been the tiny little vestigal wings you can sometimes see on Goldar’s back in the show.

The sword has some sharp details and is cast in solid plastic, but the plastic color finish is a little dull. Some shiny metallic would have been nice. The power effect wraps around the blade and holds in place well where it grabs the sword at the hilt.

The extra hands are a claw hand and a fist. These compliment the sword grip hands nicely and make for a nice bit of posing variety.

The sculpting on this figure is really nicely detailed, especially with all the intricate details in the armor. Goldar is powerfully built and well proportioned. My favorite part is the face. It’s got this great looking snarl with deep sculpted lines detailing the expressive face.

The articulation is keeping with what we expect from the Lightning Collection with:

  • Swivel hinge neck, shoulders, wrists, wing joints, hips, and ankles
  • Double hinged knees and elbows
  • Hinged lower torso crunch
  • Ball and socket mid-torso
  • Thigh and bicep swivels
  • Hinged pectorals

The double hinges have slightly better than 90 degree bends. The ankles are interesting because they are a ball shaped hinge that swivels at both ends. The head also gets a good range of motion considering the design. He can’t look up very much, but gets good movement down and side to side and tilt. The pectoral hinges help get the hands across the large chest and get the figure in a two handed sword holding pose.

The weakness for this figure for me is probably the paint. Most of the body is cast in a gold plastic which looks okay in some light, but not very metallic in most lighting situations. There are some armor sections that get a nice metallic gold and I think it would work a lot better for me if the whole figure was painted this accent color and given a wash.

The face color seems a tad light to me and could have benefited from a dark blue wash. Overall, the figure is very nice aside from the not terribly convincing gold plastic. That’s a pretty big issue when the character is 90 percent that color and it drags down an otherwise fantastic figure.