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Four Horsemen Studios: Mythic Legions Advent of Decay King Bromdenn Ironjaw

I’ve got three more Advent of Decay figures left to open, and I might finish up Advent of Decay just in time for my all-star 2.0 order to to arrive. As I wind down with Advent of Decay, I’ve been hitting the royals and today we’ll take a look at King Bromdenn Ironjaw!

King Bromdenn comes on the usual packaging and with a grip of accessories including an axe, a sword, a massive hammer, a shield removeable crown, removeable shoulder pads, a cape, a fur collar, an extra head, and three wing add-on pieces.

The weapons are all fantastic, they are clearly designed to fit the dwarf aesthetic and have advantage of being fairly new to the line and not oft re-used yet.

The sword is pretty massive with a large blade and handle. I don’t know that I love gold as a color for a blade, but it looks fantastic in his hand and wickedly deadly.

The axe also sports a lot of lovely detail and the black and gold color scheme is growing on me.

Finally, the hammer is insanely big. Taller than Bromdenn himself by a good margin. I really like how the base of the hammer has these deadly looking clawed feet.

The shield looks cool in this color scheme and I especially like how the detail in the golden face design is brought out with a heavy wash.

The fur piece is interesting. I kind of like it better on the figure without the shoulder pads.

The head sculpt is fantastic on this guy without the crown, so I’m glad you have the option to take it off and on. He’s got a great, classic, krinkly-eyed, big-nosed dwarf look that is only helped by the crown.

You can add the cape by plugging it into the body with the pegs from the shoulder pads.

With the cape on, I feel like maybe the fur is meant to work as a fur liner to the cape and it does for the most part.

I think with the cape he definitely strikes a far more kingly vibe.

The alternate head is an excellent knight’s helm and the dragon ornament feels appropriately kingly as well.

I love the paint on this guy. Black and gold is not normally a color scheme I love, but the maroon accents and red cape all ties it together for me. I love how the dwarven design details in the crown are brought out with some heavy wash.

Overall, I love this figure. The head sculpt is so fantastic and the crown is a thing of detailed beauty. The glossy black and shiny gold armor is surprisingly effective for me and he comes with a grip of great accessories that allows for a wide variety of looks for the character.

King Bromdenn is still available for order on BBTS.