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Four Horsemen Studios: Mythic Legions Advent of Decay Lucretia

I’m still slowly opening up my Mythic Legions: Advent of Decay Kickstarter order. I found that after having participated in a couple massive figure order Kickstarters, I appreciated the figures more if I don’t open up the huge order all at once, but rather open as I’m ready to photograph. Today we look at Vampire Warlord, Lucretia!

Lucretia is head of Illythia’s Brood, the Vampire Kingdom in the Mythic Legion world. The bio lets us know she is the daughter or Baron Volligar, a figure released in the Mythic Legions: Covenant of Shadow line back in 2016 and that Volligar has been training her from birth to lead the Brood.

Lucretia comes in the standard ML packaging and includes a long sword, two daggers, a dagger sheath, removeable armor shoulder pads, 3 wing adapter pieces, a weapons strap, and a cape.

The sword is new for Advent of Decay and appears in the Elf weapons pack. The Vampires get a lot of Elf themed items, which I think look pretty appropriate for vampires, but I also like that the 4H made the Vampires a mix of Illythia (who I assume is a demon) and Elves which ties it all together.

The daggers are two different designs. One is curved and ornate and fits the overall Vampire design scheme really well. The sheath has a little clip and I like to attach it to the hip armor.

The strap is always handy, though feels a little less appropriate on a faction leader, so I’ll pass it on to another figure. I don’t get the feeling that Lucretia is wading into battle carrying all her gear with her, you know?

The second dagger looks to be the Dwarf weapon, so it’s not as ideal as the other dagger. I think I would have really liked two of that curved dagger a lot more.

The attachment pieces work well and I like the look with the feather wings.

I think I like the bone wings more than eagle wings on her, but I think bat wings would look killer on this figure. Hopefully those will be available soon.

Articulation is ML standard with:

  • Swivel/hinge shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles
  • Ball and socket mid-torso and head
  • Swivel forearms and thighs

Lucretia’s cape attaches via the back peg holes and the shoulder armor pieces and you can connect that a few different ways depending on preference. The below pics have the two center holes pegged to the back with the armor and the outer holes hooked onto round pieces of the shoulder armor.

It tends to fall off the front pegs a lot, so I usually just gather the inner and outer holes and peg them both with the shoulder pads.

The head sculpt is very pretty considering the look of the Male Vampires. I like the variety, though I think it would be fun to have a more nightmarish face or an open mouth for mid-bite poses.

I like that high collar sets her apart from the other characters a bit and clearly communicates to me a leadership role just through design.

The paint is good too. At first glance, it is dominated by the black gloss armor, but the silver pieces surrounding the purple highlights are a nice detail. I also really like the subtle gray shading on the pale white skin.

Carpathias was an early Mythic Legions favorite from mine and overall Lucretia is a satisfying capper to my ML Vampire Brood and I’m glad to have her. I’m looking forward to when we can add the Vampire Brute to the ML collection and maybe one day get some Fangs Out vampire heads for the line too.

Lucretia is currently available for order at BBTS.