_*A Second Kree-Skrull War Erupts in Young Avengers #12*_
Because of the heritage of one of the Young Avengers, a second
Kree-Skrull War threatens to engulf Earth. Not even the combined forces
of the Young Avengers and the New Avengers may be enough to stem the
tide of destruction in*/ Young Avengers #12/*.
This interstellar conflict ends here as one of the Young Avengers must
sacrifice his or her future to end the escalating war, while another
member lies wounded on the precipice of death.
Can all of the Young Avengers survive the past come back to haunt them?
And if they do, will their relationship with their mentors the New
Avengers survive as well? One thing is for sure and that is the team
dynamic will be forever changed by issue’s end.
*/ Young Avengers #12/* is filled to the brim with so much action that
the normal 32 pages couldn’t hold it all. The conclusion to Allan
Heinberg and Jim Cheung’s Young Avengers first season has 8 extra pages
at no extra cost.
Don’t miss the conclusion of "Family Matters" in the pages of*/ Young
Avengers #12/* and look for the Young Avengers this summer as they find
themselves in the middle of another war. The conclusion of issue #12
sets up the status quo of the Young Avengers for this summer’s
blockbuster crossover*/ Civil War/* where they meet another group of
popular teen heroes for the first time, the Runaways.
Be sure to pick up*/ Young Avengers #12/* and be on the lookout for the
teen heroes this summer in the pages of*/ Civil War: Young Avengers and
Pencils & Cover by JIM CHEUNG
40 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
FOC — 6/8, On Sale — 6/28/2006
Written by ZEB WELLS
32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99
FOC — 7/6, On Sale — 7/26/2006
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