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Four Horsemen Studios: Mythic Legions Advent of Decay Snagg

I’m still working my way through my massive Mythic Legions Advent of Decay order, figure by figure. Today I finally opened one of my more anticipated figures, the Goblin Thief, Snagg. Let’s take a look!

Snagg jumped out at me when he was first announced because out of all of the goblins, he most matched the image I had in my mind of a goblin. The blue hood also recalled an old LJN figure I liked, so even before I decided to go all-in on Goblins, I had Snagg down as a must buy.

Snagg comes in the standard collector-friendly packaging and has a little bio that basically states he enjoys his job as a thief and his boss, King No’glin, appreciates him as well. The figure comes with an odd assortment of stuff, there is the usual back attachment pieces, straps, swords, shoulder pads, and knives, but he also comes with a pair of antlers and an extra horn.

I imagine the horns are meant as plunder, though it’s odd booty indeed. The highlight of these accessories for me is the bone handled knife. It’s wicked as these weapons get and perfect for thief.

His armor pauldrons are mismatched, which gives him a bit of a scruffier look that I like, and I found myself just adding one pauldron as I like the lighter armor look for a thief.

Snagg uses the Goblin parts we’ve already seen, but has an outstanding head sculpt. The exaggerated nose and jawline are perfectly ugly and I like the way that it’s constructed so the seam lines where the pieces of the face join are hidden in the natural lines in the face.

Snagg has the usual Mythic Legions articulation with:

  • Swivel/hinge shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, wrists, and ankles
  • Ball and socket head and mid-torso
  • Swivel waist, thigh, forearm and neck

The paint work on Snagg is also very good. He has some nice metallics on his armored boots, belt, and skirt and the little rivets on his skirt are all precisely done.

The hood and face have some nice subtle shading and I’m glad to see that clean paint ops on the little stitches on the hood.

The big standard sword does seem absurdly large for his stature, but I figure it works well as something Snagg stole. I think the only thing I’m really missing for this character would be a sack of some kind for all his stolen goods. I’ll have to make one.

Overall Snagg is another fine addition to my Mythic Legions and I’d say he is definitely my favorite of the Goblins so far.