Not the first time we’ve seen the figure but it’s good to finally get the official solicitation for this MAFEX Aquaman. Probably had something to do with the movie release or something, I don’t know. Just a wild guess.
That’s sarcasm, internet.
I’ll admit, I really, really enjoyed the movie, and while I’ve been eyeballing this figure as far back as SDCC and the comic colors were already calling to me, now I really need it. Especially to do the “looking through the trident” pose. C’mon, you know you wanna. But this pose is cool too.
Although I’m wondering if that can actually be done with all that hair.
Which brings me to my one initial gripe. I feel like the faces are very Momoa but like a lot of action figures with separate swept back plastic hair, the hairline looks weird. Maybe the final piece won’t be as obvious.
My other peeve is not Medicom’s fault at all, it’s totally due to the movie design. The butt armor and then the back of the arms just looks out of place. I like the streamlined look of the front, lots of scales with seaweed boots and gloves, but it’s almost like “Well, we better spruce up the back for no reason.” The belt would have sufficed, I feel. It’s not like Momoa doesn’t fill out the costume.
That’s just me trying to talk myself out of pre-ordering though. Overall I love the design and it translates well into plastic. And really, it’s not like he’s going to be displayed on the shelf with his back forward. That’s the same reasoning I used back in the day to justify not painting the back of customs. Yeah, I was that guy.
Aquaman will run about $69 with a projected release date of July 2019. Medicom usually lets the date slide a month or two so prepare for late shipment.