People stop me on the street and ask “Hey, why do you look for custom Marvel Legends most Sundays?” And I always answer “Because they’re awesome!” before taking off to match stride with the rest of the hustle and bustle on the busy sidewalk. Now….guess which parts of that intro are lies…
I live in backwoods Arkansas, there is no hustle and bustle, and I walk down Main in my town about three times a year where absolutely nobody stops me to talk about toys. The only true part of the above is that customs are awesome. And so are parts and pieces to make your own.
Take this cast Jean Grey head and shoulder pads. That original figure is hard to get now, and honestly, the body isn’t that great. Boom, pick your own body and go to town.
But that’s just the head and shoulder pads, you also need the forearm gauntlets and belt, right? The seller has you covered. The only thing left to sculpt are the little boxes.
I’m not sure if this Iceman costume is a dead-ringer to anything in the comics but I like it. The piping breaks up what could be a bland uniform and his powers are prominently on display.
It took me a minute to realize this Emma Frost is using the Typhoid Mary body.
Not the Grifter I’m used to seeing but the New 52 version keeps the key elements while giving it an overall tactical look.
Aha, THIS is the Grifter I remember. Nothing wrong with either version, I just wanted an excuse to feature both. Neeners!
I’ve become a whore for X-Force stuff over the past year or so, oddly enough about the time Cable and Shatterstar released, so I’m going to need the rest of the team. This Sunspot fits that bill.
I’m not a fan of this 12-inch scale body because of it’s weird proportions and sculpt, but those two aspects make me love it as the base for Living Tribunal. It just works in that alien kind of way.
If Hasbro doesn’t give us 6-inch Joes I will be forced to customize one of my extra Deadpools to make Snake Eyes. I swear I’ll do it! Don’t tempt me! Wait, what do you mean, extra Deadpools?
And then sometimes you just want a beat-all-to-hell Snake Eyes, and this one is definitely worse-for wear. Why does Timber look so guilty though?
It’s no secret I love Captain America: First Avenger. And not even really for the superhero parts. When he jumps on the grenade? Goosebumps. And when he decides to go off and save the troops, when they comes walking back into camp? Yeah! So while this isn’t 100% movie accurate I still need a Steve in military gear.
I wasn’t into Avengers much when 3D Man was around so I don’t have much attachment to the character, but I’m floored by how plastic this paint job looks. And I know that sounds like a dig. Believe me, it’s not. If you’ve ever done any customizing you know how hard it is to match that factory sheen a look. This takes skill, baby. This custom nails it.
I’m actually surprised we haven’t seen an official Clea, what with all the Dr. Strange love lately.
I love troopers in general. I love the colors on this Kyber Trooper. I love the added cloak. I love the execution. Love.
Okay, we just got Marvel Legends Magik, can we get a Darkchylde next? And a N’astirh. And a S’ym. And I spelled those without looking them up. That’s how much I liked Inferno back in the day.
And finally, Storm. Yes, I know. I feature Storm a lot. Mainly because we need Lee era (and first appearance) Storm. We know it’s coming but the need is too strong. And yes, I’d even buy her in the wrong costume color, like below. Oh snap! Bring it on!