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Medicom: MAFEX It (2017) Pennywise and Miles Morales Spider-Man Promotional Images and Pre-Order Info

C’mon Medicom, what are you doing to me. I didn’t want to like the MAFEX Miles Morales Spider-Man, and I was happy with the It Pennywise I already had. But nooooooooooo……

If you remember, the Spider-Man was revealed at a show a week or so ago. Well, “revealed” is a strong term. It was placed very unceremoniously in the display with other MAFEX figures. And it looked pretty plain.

It’s based on the adult Miles from the Gwenpool comic, so the style is actually accurate but unfamiliar to me. Plus they couldn’t have picked a more unflattering pose. But that changes now.

Add a little spice to the stance and the awesome looking unmasked head and suddenly I’m drooling. Damn it! Just look how accurate it is.

I’m sure we’ll get a fair share of teenage Miles, this is probably our only shot at this version. And since I already have the Gwenpool on the shelf and Evil Gwenpool on pre-order, I might as well have this to go with them, right? RIGHT?

I still think the body is broad, the masked head small, and the overall look kind of flat. But pop that unmasked head on and all that goes away for me. It’s crazy. Plus I love magnet feet and hands.

What I didn’t expect was Pennywise. I probably should have, but I didn’t.

The NECA is one of my top figures of the year, based on a movie I didn’t watch until the figure was almost out. But I love It 2017 so much that there is room for more Pennywise figures around the house. Three from NECA and this one from Medicom.

The description mentions soft goods or cloth, but I think it’s just referring to a more rubber like plastic for parts of the costume to maximize movement. Google translate, you vex me.

That pic also messes with me because I’m now expecting light-up eyes. There is no mention of this and I know it’s not happening, but I want it. Damn!

Three heads, several hands, balloon, paper boat. Yup, All the essentials for a nightmare demon clown. Looks like it can do the dance too.

No…..not the dance……not the dance!