2 years ago From Software added to the Souls’ universe by releasing Bloodborne and figma made the whole experience sweeter by giving us the first From Software action figure, Hunter.
From Software’s Souls Universe is where I live when in the video game universe. I was first introduced to Demon’s Souls a number of years ago by a friend; I’m not certain what he was expecting, but the result was I got lost in a fantastic fantasy world. I’ve played Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 2, Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3. Of them, Dark Souls 1-3 are my home, I’ve completed the game dozens of times, created class specific characters, PVP builds, and horse around builds.
Bloodborne takes place outside of the Dark Souls universe but has some ties to it. From Software is always subtle in tying it’s universes together, much like Final Fantasy, each game is a new story to itself but themes and even characters might cross worlds. Take for example Marvellous Chester, who is an NPC in the Dark Souls game, but his attire is something straight out of Bloodborne. Bloodborne of course comes out years later but the association is obvious.
The game is the creation of From Software, or it’s director Hidetaka Miyazaki. Miyazaki is a rather mysterious fellow and often reading interviews by him leave you wanting to know more. Rarely does he play his hand give a concrete answer to mysteries of the Souls universe, keeping gamers constantly questioning what is happening. But one thing is clear about the man, he believes that gaming should be difficult, the Souls franchise is designed for learn by dying. It’s ok to die as long as you learn, and you will be rewarded by your grinding.
Bloodborne is excessively difficult. It’s a throw back to Demon’s Souls, only faster, tougher and bigger. From decided to drop shields in Bloodborne, forcing users to use a dodging defensive style, in fact the only shield in the game is the “plank shield” and it’s worthless (the Loch Shield was available in the DLC). Instead of a shield the user has to equip a projectile shooting weapon (gun, flame thrower) in the left hand, which can be used to slow enemies. But there is a limitation, bullets. I’ll stop for now, I could go on, but you want to know about the figure.
Before I start on the figure, there is one more important aspect to Bloodborne that is critical to know. The game is dark, set in a Industrious/Industrial Revolution Period, the game is dirty grimy and mechanical. The weapons are a mix of modern (guns) and horrific (axes, saws, swords and hammers), and the entire game could easily be in black and white. Blood is clearly visible and there is a lot of it.
figma is the only action figure company that’s had a shot to make action figures of From Software’s characters. There are some companies that have tackled statues, but no has attempted a six inch action figure. figma did not disappoint.
Hunter is a reference to the Hunter Set, attire that can be acquired early in the game. It is not the starting attire, that’s the Foreign Set. Hunter Set is the attire that most people associate with the Bloodborne game, similar to the Elite Knight set in Dark Souls. There are 2 versions of this set, A and B, A being without a shoulder cape and B being with a shoulder cape. A user can also pick up a top hat for the set, which look remarkable like Marvellous Chester when worn…
figma’s Hunter is set A, and is beautiful. I’ve spoken about my love for S.H. Figuarts Jack Sparrow as being one of the best six action figures, and Hunter is a very decent rival. The sculpt is amazing and the amount of detail packed into the figure is far beyond anything I’ve seen or expected from a figma figure. This is truly an amazing piece from them. Definitely one of the best figures I’ve had from them in a while.
The articulation is standard from figma, the figure uses the figma joint system, most of them beautifully hidden behind the sculpt. The elbows are the weakest part of the design and could have used a little more effort in hiding them in the sculpt. By no means an eyesore but if I have to find a fault, then it is the elbows.
The paint on this figure is beautiful, stellar, out of this world! I was worried about figma’s final execution on the paint but they nailed it! This figure looks like it stepped right off the screen and into our reality! This is an actual Bloodborne character physically brought to life in my hands!
Hunter comes with 2 core accessories, the Saw Cleaver and Hunter Pistol. Both are starting weapons that the user can choose at the beginning of the game. The Saw Cleaver is a trick weapon, it’s a hand held saw that can transform into a cleaver by pushing on L1. While a great weapon, I’ve always preferred the Hunter’s Axe. The Hunter Pistol is another starting weapon, used in the player’s left hand and activated with L2. I’m a huge fan of the Hunter’s Pistol, yes the Hunter Blunderbuss is a magnificent weapon, there’s something graceful about the Hunter’s Pistol. Both weapons are beautifully sculpted and painted.
There is another accessory if you bought the figure directly from GoodSmileCompany’s website, messengers. Users have the ability to leave messages for other characters in the game, being an online game you can let other users know about certain elements, or just leave stupid messages. These are found on the ground throughout the game. From did a cool thing and made customizations that you have to find to “upgrade” your messengers, little fun side quests to drive you crazy. I ordered the regular set and did not get any messengers.
I love this figure. It’s been a while since I’ve written this much and it should show how much I love this figure and the universe it comes from. As an action figure, this is an excellent example of what can be done in 6 inches, but it’s not for everyone. There is probably a small market for Bloodborne action figures and it is expensive, but worth every penny. If figma gets the chance to make a Hunter in garb B with more weapons I’ll buy it. If they make a Hunter with a top hat I’ll buy it, this is a line for me.
You can get Hunter today at: