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Hasbro: Black Series Gamorrean Guard

The Gamorrean Guard has been at the top of my wants list for the Black Series for some time, so when I saw people had them in hand overseas, I decided to pay through the nose to get my hands on this green little pig-man slightly early. I don’t regret it. Let’s take a look at the new, Target Exclusive Gamorrean Guard!

The Gamorrean Guard comes with two axes and one staff. The axes fit the hands perfectly and the one with the really long blade is the weapon I tend to associate with the Gamorrean guards. I like the other one because it reminds me of Thok from the old Masters of Teras Kasi game.

The axes are cast in a solid gray plastic and have a little brown detail paint for the wood handles and a rust (dried blood?) effect on the blades.

The staff kind of reminds me of a halberd and is slightly flimsier and does not feature any extra paint detail. Metallic paint would have been nice on this one.

The sculpt is almost perfect. The pig guard has a perfect beefy build with thick arms and legs textured nicely. The head is slightly off, just in that the eyes seem a little wider set than the original mask, but it still looks really great.

The armor is very nicely detailed as well and the soft goods integrate well with the overall sculpt. It’s interesting to me that under the furry skirt are some plastic underpants. This plastic piece is what gives him his round belly and is a little flexible to allow leg movement.

One of my favorite features is the articulated jaw. The head works on a swivel and our Gamorrean can look up or down, but that range of motion really seems to be there to allow the jaw to open.

I don’t think they intended any swivel motion in the neck, but due to the softness of the plastic, I was able to get a slight head turn.

The articulation otherwise is Black Series standard with:

  • Swivel hinge shoulders, elbows, hips, wrists, and ankles
  • Thigh swivel
  • Jaw hinge
  • Double hinged knees
  • Ball and socket mid-torso

I’m really impressed with the mid-torso ball joint as it gets a lot motion. The elbows also get more than a 90 degree bend, which is impressive for such a beefy creature.

The paint has good points and bad. I like that there’s a wash on the main shirt and the helmet has some black paint to show the dirty leather of the cap. The body is mostly green plastic and it feels a little too dark. I also felt like they went way overboard on the brown around the lips and nose. It’s far to dark. It needed to be a bit more subtle.

Overall, this is a very good, chunky, poseable figure and is definite hand candy. The only downside is they overdid some paint ops on the face. I definitely want to get at least two more, so let’s hope that Target bought a good number of these.

Be sure to check out Robo’s review!