This is it, MOTU fans, the awesome MOTU Classics Power-Con exclusives sales end SUNDAY (5/13). That goes for attendees and non-attendees, so now is the time to get off your loinclothed backside and GET YOUR ORDER IN!
Chopper, Spikor, Montork, and Dree-Elle are limited in their own right being exclusives and all, but as soon as this sale closes today, you are not going to be able secure these without pay a LOT more down the road. The Filmation figures have all gone up significantly in value on the secondary market, even the recently-released Super7 series, so these are likely to follow suit, especially since they will be so limited. Sure, all four of these guys are essential to your Filmation collection, but the Trollans can definitely cross over into the the standard MOTUC collection, so NOW IS THE TIME.
Head on over the Power-Con ticket site and get your order in. Sure, these will run you more than a regular MOTUC release, but due to the MUCH smaller production run, the cost has to be adjusted. However, like I said, these are pretty essential to your collection, so go get them.
I am excited to see the MOTUC chug along, and you will not want these figures to be missing from your collections. See you at Power-Con!