While I’m not the biggest fan of Dragon Ball I do have a strong interest in the property even though I haven’t seen every single episode of the series. Is that disclaimer enough? If I put a stray “Saiyan” in a convoluted label for a power level or misplace the exact appearance of a hairstyle, do I get a pass? I just love me a good figure model kit. That’s all I’m saying.
But you gotta admit. Piccolo makes for a damn fine kit, and he stands out against most of the other figures in the series. Sure there’s Cell and Frieza, but this is Piccolo, man.
Comments have said that the kit is too small but I think in the overall scheme of the line it’s Goku that throws everything off. It seems he’s too large. But that’s what happens when figures share parts. But is it really a cost cutting measure when those shared parts are actually modified to accommodate the individual character? Piccolo and Goku share the same gi sculpt but the lower legs are resculpted to show a little Namekian leg. But I guess the thighs, crotch, and lower torso is the same. I don’t know what I’m talking about.
It kind of freaks me out that none of the DBZ terms trigger the spellcheck.
Basically, I love this kit, except for the seams on the head. Yes, it’s a model kit. Yes, it’s supposed to have seams. But it’s almost over the top in the cranium area to allow for the face switching feature and the turban. I feel like there should have been a little more plastic used for two heads (at least) and then the faces. Like Krillin.
The set comes with Piccolo’s cape too but man, is it heavy and clunky. I love the look but this having the lightness of a model kit…because it’s a model kit…the cape makes it way back heavy. The cooler (See what I did there? DBZ reference!) accessory is a new hair piece/ head assembly for the previously released Gohan kit. I forgot that the first kit was clearly labeled Super Saiyan 2 on the box since it’s been a while, so I was quickly corrected when I wondered aloud what version this hair represented. I love you, fandom. But I like this more dynamic Super Saiyan 1 look. And then you can take the alternate face and original hair and put it on a Krillin body for Gohan’s look when he fought Bojack.
I was also told that, having never seen that fight.
Come at me.
Disclaimer: The comments made about DBZ fandom and reference is all in good fun. I love learning more through chat and comments. I’ve never had someone be an overly obnoxious super dick about anything I’ve gotten wrong about the franchise. But notice I qualified that with “overly” and “super.” Don’t be “overly” and “super.”
Alternate head:
Hand options:
Cape and turban options:
Gohan hair option:
Special Beam Cannon effect: