Okay Star Wars, you can’t wait until the day of Wrestlemania to show a new trailer for Solo, along with figures for two characters from two different companies. I was busy hoopin’ and hollern’, I didn’t have time to ramble about toys until today. I got 99 problems…
…but ramblin’ about toys ain’t one.
Okay, so along with the new Solo: A Star Wars Story trailer yesterday, both Bandai and Hasbro decided to show each of their versions of the younger Chewbacca and the Mimban Stormtrooper. If you’re more one for visuals and a dork telling you info and thoughts aloud, check the video. If your more comfortable reading text and looking at pictures, scroll down.
Let’s start with Hasbro.
Chewbacca will be a Target exclusive. It looks to reuse the older Chewie body with a new head, gun, and bandolier.
The Mimban Stormtrooper will be exclusive to Walmart. I can’t tell if the helmet and ab plate are new from these angles but it looks mostly like the older SWBS Stormtrooper with a cape and covered in sludge.
The Bandai S.H. Figuarts Chewbacca is the same deal, really. Mostly reuse, new faces, weapon, gear.
I’m running out of ways to say “reused body, new head, new abs” but second verse, same as the first for the SHF Mimban trooper.
No release dates for the Black Series but the Figuarts are both set for a June release. They are a general release but haven’t went up for sale yet so no exact prices at the moment.