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Kaiyodo: Amazing Yamaguchi No.001EX X-Force Deadpool Promo Pics and Info

The Amazing Yamaguchi line is one of the most posable lines to hit in the past few years, dividing the community between those who love them more than humans should love pieces of plastic and those who would love to throw those pieces of plastic through a window. Without opening it. One of the better examples of the line is the first release, Deadpool. So why not get that exact same figure….but in GREY?

Because companies need money. And Deadpool is money.

I do believe there has been a bootleg version of this exact figure already, popping up after the original Deadpool dropped. Kaiyodo probably had this planned all along but re-released Spider-Man first to push this version to around the release of Deadpool 2. Or that’s what I’m telling myself. Marketing!

Because really, if your company is going to go through the trouble of sculpting and producing a figure, you’re going to look at the best way to get your money’s worth out of the materials and time. This release is EXACTLY like the first release. In grey. It just makes too much sense.

I’m going to type a few more paragraphs but really, you can stop here, at least as far as reading goes. I’ll talk about accessories and sculpt and articulation, but it all essentially comes down to the same thoughts and info as the first Deadpool figure. But in grey.

The joints break up the sculpt in odd ways but that’s to allow for the insane range of movement. You either see the forest for the trees, or the forest as a whole entity. But in grey.

The accessories are the same as the first go-around, but that’s not a problem at all. The guns are oversized but fit the aesthetic perfectly. The swords are sweet, and include fake hilts to go in the back scabbards. Some people don’t dig that because it leaves the “real” swords without a home when “in the sheathes” but it keeps the size down. I think. And then of course the weapons are in their appropriate, original colors. What, you thought the joke was going to hold up through the whole piece?

And then, of course, the eye gimmick along with an alternate face that has a slightly different mouth sculpt. Except in grey. And red for the eyes, which is striking.

I’ll admit, I like the grey. It’s accurate to the comic, but there’s also something simple yet engrossing that makes me say “IT’S JUST GREY, WHY DO I NEED IT? WHY??” This would make an awesome addition to that separate Revoltech only shelf in my room because when it comes down to it, I love this line.

Except Venom. Venom can burn in action figure hell.

X-Force Deadpool will run you about $50 and will release in June.

But if you’ve been wanting to track down the original Revoltech Deadpool, it’s getting re-released in June alongside the new one, for the same $50.

But it’s not grey like the X-force one, in case you forgot.
