Five times out of six when I check eBay it’s to look at customs. Eight times out of eleven it’s Marvel Legends. Four times out of seven it’s Star Wars Black Series. And the rest of the time, oh, about two out of seventy-five, it’s something else. And now that the exact figures and mathimacating is out of the way, let’s look at some customs on this boring Sunday!
You would think at this point someone out there in official toy-making land would get the hint and give us a 90s Jubilee. Although I do have a feeling that someone is listening…
I’m a sucker for Wasp variations, especially early versions.
The recent reveal of Deadpool Legends wave 2 and wave 1 seeping out has me eyeballing variations for the Merc with a Mouth. Dreadpool, Zenpool, Ultimate, Weapon X…Dead Lantern? There was even a recent (now ended) auction for a majority of the Mercs for Money. That’s a lot of Deadpools.
I LOVE the color palette on this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder.
Not only are these Obi-Wan casts nicely painted, it also amuses me that younger Kenobi seems to put too much background into his selfies and older Ben is slightly annoyed by it. “This certain point of view looks too empty in it’s content.”
…I apologize.
I just really, REALLY want a Rictor now that we have an excellent Shatterstar and Cable.
I currently have a bug for Boba Fett variations. Jodo Kast is on that list.
Using this base body feels so right for a 90s style Blade.
If you’ve been waiting to snag a rickhor409 Emperor robe set, go now!
I dig how clean this Rogue is with the streamlined costume.
Guardians of the Galaxy. Classic. New. Movie. Comic. Any and all, my friends. Like this Starhawk.
An absolutely brilliant Orson Randall Iron Fist!
Tusken Raider. Jedi Knight. Two great tastes that go great together. A’Sharad Hett is great, but I’d also need a Sharad.
This Iceman is freaking me out. And I mean that in the best way possible. I’m obsessed with it. It’s staring into my soul. The ice effect of the body is gorgeous and I feel like if Iceman was real, this is how he would look. But it would still weird me beyond belief.
This is a mash-up I wasn’t expecting as I was innocently scrolling through the listing, but it caught my eye and now I can’t stop thinking about it. Boba Lightyear NEEDS a Sheriff Solo to go along with it.
An amazing rendition of the best Psylocke costume ever. Don’t dispute it. You know it’s true.