While The Last Jedi landed in theaters recently to mixed fan reaction, I liked it quite a bit and want a few more characters in Hasbro’s 6-inch scaled Black Series line. Before my Star Wars fevered brain turns to the Han Solo movie, I thought I’d articulate who else I want to see from this film in plastic. Fair warning: the movie has been out for a month, so I’m talking spoilers here.
As much as I like this film, it does feel like one of the least toyetic Star Wars movies yet for my taste. The only new trooper appears to be the Executioner, characters reappear from The Force Awakens with little changes, and the Canto Bight aliens didn’t grab me like some of Rogue One soldiers and creatures or the Maz Kanata crew did. Hasbro has done pretty good work releasing most of the characters from this film that I’d like in plastic, but I could always go for a few more and that’s what this list is about.
I’m going to start with a runner’s up category and that would be variations on the main characters we already got from The Last Jedi. Even though it’s possibly the easiest custom ever, I’d still like an updated Finn with blue pants and a stiched-up friendship jacket. Maybe pack him with a little slug figure of a Canto Bight alien (that leprechaun looking dude who keeps adding money to BB-8 would be good or maybe the slug croupier) to make him a bit more interesting. Luke wears a couple of different outfits other than the TFA one we got, and my most wanted would be the astral projection version of a younger Luke from the very end of the film. I’d also like DJ and Rose in First Order disguise to go with Finn. I would probably also re-buy Hux without a hat because I’m a sucker like that.
The other honorable mention would be resistance troops. I have a metric ton of FO troopers and I’d like a little more variety to the resistance troopers to fight them. I’ve been playing a ton of Battlefront 2, so if they happen to match a character from that, all the better. I would love it if they would really lean into the troop building aspect with multiple heads, weapons and removable gear. If Hasbro wants to be my best friend, they would make the soldier who looks on as his compatriot tastes the salt planet of Crait. The look he gives that guy kills me every time. Bonus points because that soldier is played by Rogue One director Gareth Edwards.
5. Nien Nunb
At the end of the film, the Resistance is whittled down to a select few, but Leia tells Rey that they have all that they need to start a Rebellion. I couldn’t help but notice that my main man Nien Nunb was full on in the middle of that shot right after Leia made that declaration. I’m glad to agree with Leia that Nien Nunb is the man and all you need for successful rebellion. Okay, this is a bit of cheat and Nien is a cameo in this flick, but damn it, I want a figure of the guy stat.
4. General Leia
Leia also has a few interesting looks in this film, but I think I need the outfit from the beginning where she pulls herself back onto the ship post explosion. You have to give her an open “force pull” hand. I also really like the juxtaposition of her fancy high collared dress with her holding a grungy blaster in the final scenes on Crait. Even though I love the Star Wars/Vader reference of Leia coming through the smoking door and blasting Poe, the hospital gown look would be my least wanted.
3. BB-9E
This evil BB unit had a very brief moment to shine in The Last Jedi, but I just love the design so much I’ve bought a ton of variations on the little robot. He could be a great pack-in with the First Order Disguise Rose or maybe some of the Resistance BB units.
2. Paige Tico
Poor Paige. I had a feeling when we found out that new character Rose had a sister in the resistance that the sister would not be long for this world and serve mainly as character motivation for Rose. That said, the actor and the director did a great job making me care about her in her brief appearance. I also just really like the look of her costume and gear so much that I bought the 3.75 inch figure even though I despise 5 POA figures. The mustard flight suit and flight cap looks killer.
1. Vice Admiral Holdo
Holdo is probably my favorite of the newly introduced characters. Laura Dern just radiates a calm and slightly quirky confidence in this role. She’s saying a lot without talking much and she has an amazing final moment. Aesthetically, I like that she’s not wearing the standard military outfit as it makes me think back to Mon Mothma and I dig that her jewelry almost creates a halo around her head. She also has this boss blaster at one point that feels like an updated take on Leia’s original blaster from Star Wars and I want it.
Well that’s my list, what’s yours? Let me know below!