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Power-Con 2017

Power-Con 2017 was held last weekend in Torrance, CA, and I was able to attend Saturday and take in a ton of MOTU-related goodness. The 4H and Super7 were there showing off some interesting figures, and there were a ton of vendors and artists with their own booths. Read on for a brief report on some interesting things I saw at Power-Con!

The first thing I had to do when I arrived at Power-Con was line up for the Four Horsemen’s Adamonn and Keltus from their Mythic Legions line. I was stupid enough to sleep on the pre-order, so I wanted to make sure I grabbed them at Power-Con. I think it’s pretty darn clear who these two figures are meant to recall, and they are a great take on a couple of classic characters. The paint is amazing on these babies.

It was so cool to see this ogre up close without the glass. The eyeball paint job is insanely cool. I can’t believe I slept on this pre-order. Damn it.

It was also super cool to see this artwork blown up in all it’s glory. I love me some Nate Baertsch art, and since he was there I picked up a signed print of one of my favorite drawings.

Speaking of not sleeping on a pre-order, the Four Horsemen had Power-Lords 2-ups and regular-sized figures on display. These guys are up for pre-order now on These prototypes are pretty fantastic, and it was nice to get up close to them without the glass. I’m tempted to go in on the line even though it’s the 4-inch scale that I’m not really into.

Realm of the Underworld is a Vendor that attends every year with their nifty Remco-inspired figures. One of the cool things they are introducing is a new monster body they are going to use to make a Cyclops.

Santiago Salvador had some interesting custom Loyal Subjects figures that I loved seeing. I especially liked the little goblin guy here. He was such an annoying little creature on the show, but it tickles me to see a custom version.

Han Cholo had a bunch of pins and MOTU-based jewelry on display.

One vendor had their concepts for a figure line on hand. They plan to set up a Kickstarter for these figures later in the year.

I also really enjoyed seeing all the vintage figures and playsets the many toy vendors had on hand.

Another interesting booth is the Resin Warriors booth. Barbarian Rage, Viktor’s Vintage, DKE Toys, and Sucklord had a bunch of really interesting MOTU-related custom art toys.

I particularly like Barbarian Rage’s clear figures cast with weird interesting stuff inside.

I had to buy one of the GNK droids. There are a couple of super interesting customs in the below gallery. Let me know when you see it.

I was also really happy to see Joe Amaro had a booth where he was selling custom-made Ro-Bear Berbils and a Sarcophagus for Mumm-Ra. Those two things sold out really fast, but I was really happy to see some of the customs I’ve seen online up close and personal.

I did get a Berbil and it is amazing. I hate 5 POA figures, but it works perfectly with this little dude. Joe is going to have more for sale later on, so be on the look out for that.

Quest Miniatures had a cool little display of their MOTU miniatures.

They don’t have the license yet, but have these guys ready to go. It could be a great way to build an entire MOTU universe that would fit on one shelf.

There was also a booth was some amazing concept art from the Masters of the Universe film. I had no idea that the pig boy creature actually had a name!

Finally, Super7 had a nice display of the upcoming Filmation and Masters of the Universe Classics. I didn’t spot anything new, but it was great to see it all in person. Quakke looks amazing in Primer Gray. You can see all the beautiful detail in that sculpt clearly. I cannot wait to get my hands on a Horde Mummy.