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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Anakin Skywalker Feature

You may have noticed we have covered this Anakin figure already on the front page. Yep, I’m late to the party again, but I loved this figure so much I wanted to take pictures and talk about it, so that’s what I’m going to do. If that sounds interesting to you, click through for more pics and thoughts about Bandai’s S.H. Figuarts Anakin Skywalker.

I’m not a huge prequel fan and Attack of the Clones might be my least favorite Star Wars film, but I have come to appreciate the movie and Haden’s take on Anakin over the years. I think watching and re-watching lots of Clone Wars cartoons helps in that regard.

I also find his sort of clueless pursuit of Padme kind of charming and funny in it’s ineptness. I bought the deluxe version of this figure, which included a couple extra sabers and an angry head sculpt.

I figured I needed the angry head sculpt because the figure would be useless without it, but I actually ended up really liking the nice Anakin head a lot as well. It’s a great likeness, which can sometimes be tough when the actor is a young handsome dude. There are fewer unique features to grab a hold of, so a lot of times the likeness suffers.

The figure comes with three sets of hands (force push, fist, and saber hold), which is always nice for multiple posing options. He also comes with a saber hilt that clips to the belt, Anakin’s lit saber, two loaner sabers (Anakin and Obi-Wan both need loaners in the final battle of Attack of the Clones), and the aforementioned angry portrait.

The only downside to these accessories as far as I can see is that Anakin’s saber is so lumpy and bumpy that you can rub the paint off of it and onto the hand when placing the saber in hand.

Also, the saber-holding hands don’t do a great job of holding the saber straight up. Obi-Wan from Attack of the Clones came with an extra set of hands oriented to hold the saber better and I would have liked those with Anakin as well.

The articulation is what you expect from Figuarts and does the job well for the most part. The only quibble I have is that the arms don’t reach across the body quite as well as Obi-Wan’s do. Check out Robo’s review for more info:

The paint is a little plain on the body, with not a lot of shading or weathering, but it’s clean and hits the target.

I’m not detecting overly gold hair and the face print is very effective at a normal viewing distance. It seems to me like the eyes “pop” a little better on this figure than other Figuarts with the face printing.

Overall, I’m really pleased with this figure. Figuarts can be a little hit and miss for me and this is a hit. He looks great posed with AOTC Obi, and it’s making me want that Padme figure even more. It’s one of those figures that’s so nice it makes me appreciate the source material a little more.