Whoa whoa whoa, slow down, Medicom. You’re pretty too, no need to get crazy with the updates. Well, supposed updates. Medicom has posted final product pictures for their MAFEX Suicide Squad Joker (suit version) and Deadshot along with Batman v Superman Knightmare Batman. And it looks like someone jumped the gun and listed The Dark Knight Joker 2.0 and The Dark Knight Rises Bane on Amazon.jp before the big reveal.
Tsk tsk. But I’m always down for some import Batman family goodness, especially when it involves upping their game. I know, I know, they may be pretty but that doesn’t mean the QC issues that have plagued MAFEX in the past won’t be present here. There is no way of telling that from pictures. But to be honest, I’ve been having less fally offy parts and loosey goosey joints as time has went on. Not perfect QC but I’ve been a lot happier with recent releases than previous ones. But that’s me.
First up, Medicom blog’s final product pics of the Suicide Squad Deadshot.
They seem to be working on continually improving their new face printing tech. It’s looked good on the figures that have utilized it so far, and it’s looking even better here.
Also, the text and weathering is looking fantastic. The magazines around the hips are hinged to get out of the way, but looking at the pics they seem to be hinged on bottom. If those are even slightly loose, that will be a problem. Again, something to test once in-hand.
Also featured is the Suicide Squad Joker in suit.
Wow, why am I fascinated by the shoes? But this version comes with a straight jacket for the first Joker.
Finally, the final product for the delayed Knightmare Batman.
Check out the blog for more info.
But the big news this morning is the Amazon.jp product pages for new MAFEX figures. They have since been pulled but for a brief time you could see a revamp of The Dark Knight Joker 2.0.
I needed this! I didn’t care too much for the previous Jokers and the S.H. Figuarts version is off (which is weird to say when comparing SHF and MAFEX) so going back here is fine in my book. It’s almost as if Medicom has just thrown all previous releases out the window and said screw it, we have new print tech, let’s redo the ones that need it.
That’s not to say it’s perfect. While the neutral face looks pretty dead-on, the smiling face still seems a bit off. But more on than the past attempt. It may be another case of this technique looking ugly in super close macro shots, great from normal distance.
Joker includes a couple of heads and several hands, three knives, a machine gun, a pistol a rocket launcher, various playing cards, and a pipe.
It looks to be about $65 and is scheduled for the end of 2017.
Now, if you go back to the recent article about the MAFEX Catwoman 2.0 you’ll see me asking why, why redo Catwoman without giving us a Bane? Well…
Bane looks to include a couple of broken Batman cowls and interchangeable arms and a coat piece. Jacket on, jacket off, fantastic! Now why didn’t we get that feature for the first Suicide Squad Joker.
Never happy…
I’m sure there will be several hands like usual. Bane is priced at around $65 and is scheduled for early 2018.
And just to spice both up a bit and reaffirm their future release, random magazine scans floating around Facebook!
And now for the long wait…