This is an exciting time for Mythic Legions fans. The second Kickstarter is in full swing and the latest wave of figures, titled Covenant of Shadows, is now shipping. I only ended up grabbing one figure from this wave of figures Scaphoid, the poisonous skeleton. Let’s take a look!
Scaphoid comes with a good amount of accessories, including a couple of removable shoulder pads, a sword belt, a mace, a knife, and an alternate head.
The two heads are repaints of two of the excellent skeleton sculpts from the original wave. I think my favorite skull is the one that originally came with Malleus because it has the articulated jaw and more cracks and a missing tooth. Both are great, though.
The mace is great because it’s something we haven’t seen as much as the other weapons, unfortunately the sculpt isn’t as crisp on this mace because there is a bit of mold flashing still on the head of the weapon. The shield is a little plain; I kind of wish there was a symbol on there.
Covenant of Shadows is a repaint wave, so if you bought enough figures from wave 1, you know what you are getting here. It’s a great, sharp sculpt packed with detail, and although I own a bunch of these parts already, I’m still enjoying the variations. I think eventually I’d like to see the 4H do a bony skeleton torso for Mythic Legions.
Paint is pretty fantastic. The figure has a beautifully toxic combination of neon green and yellow that evokes the classic Skeletor. The armor is a dry-brushed metallic that does a great job in highlighting the armored detail.
I love the Mythic Legions skeletons and didn’t grab as many as I would have liked in wave 1, so I was really glad that the 4H made another skeleton in the Covenant of Shadows wave. This guy stands out from the crowd with his eye-catching paint work.