Okay, sometimes there are weeks where nothing news-worthy happens in the world of Marvel Legends. Sometimes months. But then there are days like today where there seems to be a new pic or new product popping up every 15 minutes. Invisible Woman. A new Groot? In-hand Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. 12-inch Deadpool. Even a little X-Men pic! eBay, what can ya do? So here is everything as of noon and if something else happens we’ll go from there.
I was kind of worried for the Marvel Legends 12-inch line, seeing how discounted the first wave was over the holidays, but it seems Deadpool is a fighter. And it’s Deadpool, Hasbro would be silly to pass up on those Deadpool dollars.
This pic originated from this eBay auction, which went quicker than I could say “Oh look, it’s Deadp….”
I woke up to this pic floating the internet. The figure looks absolutely beautiful. And Invisible Woman looks fantastic too!
If this pic is to be believed, it seems Black Panther is a Walmart exclusive.
It looks like Old Man Logan won’t include a Warlock BAF piece. Which may be good news to some, if you were planning to skip that particular figure. This pic makes me need the wave NOW though.
It seems a eBay seller in Thailand has the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 wave in hand. We’ve seen these pop up for pre-order on Amazon with a ship date of March, but to see them out in the wild. Oh man, come to daddy.
Finally, a individually packaged BAF Groot with a new head and his potted and baby forms that seems to be a Toy R Us exclusive.
Some are calling this a custom but if it is fan-made I’d like to shake that customizer’s hand before begging him to make me some various old school X-Men and Avengers characters. The inner tray is immaculate and the box art all around is good enough to fool me into already putting it on my Santa wishlist. Either way, it’s damn pretty to look at.