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Scary-Shot Round-Up – Artwork

Dormant Form Scarabus Painting by Nate Baertsch

For the Scary-Shot last week the Four Horsemen focused on the packaging artwork by sometime fwoosher Nate Baertsch (known as Baena on the forums).  The above painting was done for the variant form Scarabus.  Even though I normally don’t care about packaging, it’s pretty cool to see that the variant get his own packaging variation too!  Nate’s done the packaging for all the other 4H Fantastic Exclusive figures since Ramathorr and this is the first time he’s done variant artwork for the variant figure.  I’m for more Baena art!

Scarabus rough

They also showed off a lot of the rough sketches Baena did of Scarabus.  I have to say it was quite a treat for me as I love Baena’s work and it’s interesting to see preliminary sketches done in prep for a final piece.

Scarabus rough

Head on over to for a few more roughs and a look at the final version.    There’s also a really cool couple pictures of the variant “Nergall” in a couple of diorama sets up today.

If you dig the Baena artwork (and really how can you not) you can see some of his other work at his blog here.