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Scarabus 2-up Paint Master

The Four Horsemen continued their daily updates on the Fantastic Exclusive Scarabus figure this week with close ups of the 2up paint masters for Scarabus and several of his variants.  Click through for more pics!


Scarabus Front
Scarabus Back

This is the first time I’ve got a good look at the back of this figure.  I’m glad to say I like the way the attachment point for the removeable bug arms looks withouth the arms attached.  The paint on this sucker is so beautiful, I hope they can get a similar metallic look for the final product!


Anubos Front
Anubos Back

I think this one is probably my favorite of the Egyption god variants.  I wonder how he would have looked with either an entirely black head or perhaps the Anubis face plate in blue.


Horos Front
Horos Back

I love the way the bright gold contrasts with the bright red on this armor.  The red flames are pretty snazzy, too.


Thothos Front
Thothos Back

I’m assuming he’ll come with the green flame attachments.

Demon Fire Scarabus

Demon Fire Scarubus Front
Demon Fire Scarabus Back

I was thinking I could skip the Demon Fire version, but damn that’s looking cool.



I’m not sure what these variants are as they were just revealed today for the first time.  I’m guessing they are exclusives for the announced 4H art show in NYC (see ad for the show below).

Toypocalypse ad

I’m sure all will be revealed soon at!