Supergirl is clearly still going through growing pains. The worst aspects of the show were still on full display, but there were some hopeful signs that the show is eventually going to turn things around.
The immediate change the writers need to handle is stop making Supergirl everyone’s punching bag. She’s not Spider-Man so making her this hapless loser that Joe Blow on the street wants to punch out for damaging their car while preventing them from running over a bunch of kids is silly.
And every episode having to wave the flag for gender equality even in superheroics has gotten old. No one mentioned Jessica Jones’ gender in the show, which was one of the many reasons it rocked.
Having General Sam Lane show up at DEO with Lucy in tow and bully Supergirl into agreeing to participate in an training exercise with a sentient robot The Red Tornado was frustrating. I get that Lane doesn’t trust aliens, but why is that the go-to move of EVERY military member?
Cat gets visited by her mother and we instantly learn where Cat or Kitty got her shrewd, condescending demeanor. I actually liked seeing Cat being talked down to and practically ignored since the writers have done so little to make her likable. Predictably, Cat lashes out at her punching bag Kara.
Getting a chance to lash out herself, Supergirl whups up on Red Tornado, damaging it enough that it triggers a stealth defense mode and establishes its attack protocol. Yet somehow, this incident was Supergirl’ fault.Why Lane didn’t question developer T.O. Morrow on this fail safe function seemed silly. Even if Red Tornado is a Super Family weapon why would Lane allow it to be so easily used as a weapon against the greater populace?
More frustrating, Alex has to go to honest to goodness not Lex Luthor, Maxwell Lord for anyone to think to question Morrow.
The best scene of the episode wasn’t the big Supergirl/Red Tornado rematch, but a quiet moment where James and Kara train with punching bags…and a car. Kara was honest and not the perpetually smiling Disney Princess caricature she’s constantly portrayed. I enjoyed this bonding session as James could relate to Gen. Lane not thinking he’s good enough. Lane considers him a glorified member of the paparazzi.
Annoyingly when Red Tornado comes after Lane and knocks Lucy out, Lane has not concern for her or any appreciation for James getting her out of the way. The tornado effects were hit and miss. On the smaller scale battles with Supergirl, they looked fine, but in the city battle it looked more like a marshmallow cloud than destructive force of nature.
For the final confrontation, Supergirl has a rare chance to rage out and ultimately destroys Red Tornado after Alex kills Morrow. This seemed a waste of a good recurring villain in Morrow and an eventual ally in Red Tornado. Flash and Arrow have spoiled me on the superhero team-ups and Supergirl could use some allies with powers.
In a hopeful sign going forward, Cat stands up to her mother defending Kara in one of those I can trash my employees all I want, but you can’t moments. Heyward also stands up for Supergirl against Lane, but the helpful reminder he’s not on the up and up with the glowing red eyes remains unnecessary.
Winn cracks the DEO database and learns Henshaw was the last person to see Alex’s father alive meaning ol Hank has got some explaining to do. And Kara has a surprise of her own when she goes to pick up a broken glass and finds she’s bleeding.