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Nine Spider-Man Characters We Need to See in Marvel Legends in 2016!


Collectors of the Spider-Man Infinite Series Legends have been on a wild ride lately when it comes to character selection. We’re seeing totally unexpected additions to the line in the form of Misty Knight and Ghost Rider, as well as upcoming releases like Speed Demon with RC car Silvermane. And while no one knows just what 2016 holds for collectors, there are a handful of characters that need, nay, demand inclusion in a future Spider-Man series.


9. Norman Osborn

Chameleon proved to Hasbro a figure in a suit would move if you packed it with a couple extra heads. Hasbro could catch lighting again by releasing Norman Osborn on the suited body, with additional “crazy” Norman and Green Goblin heads. This way, collectors who own the old Iron Patriot suit would have ready-made swaps for Osborn’s various mental states. For added bang for our buck, Hasbro can throw in a Goblin Glider and a few pumpkin bombs. Norm isn’t just a guy from Cheers, he’s one of Marvel’s most malevolent malcontents, and he deserves a moment in the spotlight.

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8. The Burgler

Few fictional characters can claim the legacy of Marvel Comics Burgler. Though he was never named in the comics, this rarely seen criminal set in motion a series of events that continue to shape the Marvel Universe to this very day. A botched robbery leads to the murder of Ben Parker, followed by an armed standoff at an abandoned warehouse. A lean, silent figure slips through a broken window between the police floodlights, drops out of the shadows to confront the murderer and his own great responsibility. And while some might argue the Burgler is too niche or boring for inclusion in a future Marvel Legends wave, I say they’re not thinking it through. While it’s doubtful someone is going to want to re-create the original confrontation more than once or twice, using the Burgler as a random thug opens up entire worlds of untapped displayability. I mean, who do you currently have your Daredevil beating on? He and Spidey need some street-level thugs to pound.


7. Mary Jane Watson

These days, whenever I pick up a new comic I turned into grumpy old Mister Wilson from next door. While I understand the almost-daily changes made to the face of the Marvel Universe are in the pursuit of new readership and a policy of inclusion, a lot of it smacks of change for change’s sake. For example, bringing back Gwen Stacy as Spider-Gwen. Just typing that makes my head hurt — don’t tell me it’s a great story and she’s an awesome character. It’s one step too far for the likes of this crusty codger. The fact that she’s getting a figure so quickly is truly mind-blowing, but two can play at that game. I know I’m not alone in wanting a Mary Jane figure for my shelf, and if a spider-suit is the ticket in to this club, then I submit the above image. You know you want it, Tiger.


6. The Prowler

Didja know that the Prowler was created as a possible replacement for Spider-Man? Its true. Stan Lee and John Romita Sr. intended Hobie Brown to be a gritter, more modern reflection of the popular hero who would take up the webs after Spider-Man was written out of the picture. While that never came to pass, Hobie became a helpful ally to Spidey in times of crisis. The Prowler hasn’t had a figure since ToyBiz’s Spider-Man: The Animated Series line, and that’s far too long for such a great design to lie dormant. Unlike dozens of Spider-Rogues, the Prowler’s design has remained fundamentally the same, so both modern and long-time fans should be pleased at his transition to plastic.

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5. Frog-Man

People laugh at Frog-Man, and with good reason. He’s a sweaty geek in a stupid costume, end of story. No Richards-level intellect, no Stark-level wealth, no Pym-level innovations — he’s just an out-of-shape mouth-breather in a frog suit. And that’s what makes the character so appealing: in a world of Uru hammers, adamantium robots and planet-eating purple aliens, Eugene Patilio is one of us: a schlub whose only power is his persistence and willingness to help however he can. With his less-than-heroic build and giant frog-head, he’d make a great-looking addition to my Spidey shelf. Let’s face it, ol’ Webhead could use a few more allies.


4. Swarm

Because bees! Nazis made of bees, specifically. An evil scientist tampers in God’s domain and gets himself turned into a veritable swarm of the little yellow suckers. It’s goofy, yes, but what in comics isn’t? I’m not willing to draw the line anywhere near Nazi bee-men — I just like fun too much to say no to such a goofy premise. Also, Swarm would make an amazing figure. A digital sculpt could be created with a level of detail and consistency never-before-seen in Legends. Hasbro has a chance to innovate here and get collectors another great character in the process.


3. Human Fly

The Fly first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man Annual #10 and is arguably the last of the “old school” Spidey villains. Sponsored by J. Jonah Jameson, career criminal Richard Deacon undergoes a process that turns him into a super-powered, acid-vomiting winged monstrosity in a yellow danskin. What yellow has to do with being a fly we’re never told, but the artist doesn’t dwell on it, so why should we? With his ruby-hued compound eyes and perpetual sneer, the Fly has a great visual and could be pulled off easily by Hasbro using a stock body and the Wasp’s wings.


2. Firelord

Hasbro has been playing fast and loose when it comes to what characters belong in which line. For example, Absorbing Man isn’t specifically a Spider-Man villain, but he occupies the Build-a-Figure spot in the upcoming series. In the spirit of this caviler attitude, I submit Firelord. Yep, Galactus’ oh-so-’80s herald tussled with Webhead in Amazing Spider-Man #269-270In those two issues Spidey pulled out all the stops, pushing himself beyond all physical and mental limits to defeat a being imbued with the Power Cosmic. In fact, Captain America has to stop Spidey from beating Firelord to death. In spite of being repeatedly being made to kiss the canvas by Puny Parker, Firelord remained a pretty badass character. His appearance alone should net him inclusion in a future series — imagine how cool his staff would look molded in translucent plastic!


1. White Rabbit

Quirky before Squirrel Girl made it cool, the White Rabbit haunts collector want lists like Peter in Mister McGregor’s garden. With one of the most toyetic designs ever produced and a unique and visually-arresting gimmick sure to turn heads, the White Rabbit seems like a no-brainer. Hasbro has made its commitment to female figures clear, but now they need to move past basic Spider-variations and give fans some of comicdom’s coolest chicks. With her trademark umbrella (Oswald who?), pocket-watch, and rabbit-ears, the Rabbit is poised to be the break-out figure of 2016 . . . unless, you know, Hasbro “Charlie Browns” the ball again. Aaugh, indeed!

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