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New Custom Tuesday – 11/2/2010

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is pulpy fiction’s Machete!

Machete - pulpy fiction

I love the original head sculpt and the paint job on the tattoos.  pulpy did a great job capturing the character of Danny Trejo’s grizzled visage.

Machete's bike - pulpy fiction

I love that he went so far as to make the machine gun bike which was featured in one of the more memorable moments in the trailer.  Click one of the above pics to check out pulpy fiction’s thread for tons of other cool customs!

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs!  Click one of the below pics for a link to the customizer’s thread and let them know what you think!

Zombie Giant-Man - warrack
White Lantern Batman - Ricky_Stream
Tri-Sentinel - da man
X-Force Domino - Whiskeytango

Thanks for looking, and check back in a week for the next editionof New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread on the Fwoosh forums.