ToysRUs exclusive Black Power Rangers Megazord was available at the Entertainment Earth booth at SDCC 2015. My oldest son is a huge fan of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and asked me to pick it up for him. He took pics and left the wording to me. I’m a few months behind on this article, but I figured it was as good a time as any to post about it.
During the past years I’ve written a few articles about the Power Rangers toys and action figures, focusing on Bandai Japan products like S.H. Figuarts and Super Robot Chogokin. VeeBee recently covered the Imaginext Megazord, and I’ve even got some of the other Imaginext Dinozords lined up for review. It seemed like good timing to cover this Toys R Us exclusive Megazord.
The Megazord is made up of five Dinozords: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Triceratops, Mastadon, Pterodactyl, and Sabertooth Tiger. All five Dinozords come in this set and transform to make the Megazord. The transformation is simple and doesn’t require much effort, which surprised me since the figure is listed as being for ages 15 and up. I’d expect a little more challenge in the transformation. Once transformed, the Megazord is pretty poseable, but I expected more. The hips are a standard t-crotch and could really benefit from a ball-and-socket hip for more dynamic poses. In addition, some ball or hinged shoulders, along with some bicep swivels, would have made a huge difference in the posing of the figure. It’s a great sculpt and really pops on the shelf.
The individual Dinozords are easy to transform, but don’t offer much in the way of playability. They are static to a fault, and for a collectible aimed at 15-year-olds and above, i.e. adult collectors, I expected more. Each Dinozord looks great as a display piece when sitting in a detolf surrounded by other Power Rangers, and that’s the extent of their fun factor.
I love the color scheme on this figure. I have no idea if the Megazord looked like this in the TV show, but the black and gold is really sleek. This thing pops on the shelf and glistens when the sun hits it right — a thing of beauty. The deals are crisp and the paint is smooth. There’s no slop on this Zord.
There is a special bonus to the transformation of the tank-like vehicle. For those of you versed in the Power Rangers, this was pre-giant robot stage that tended to be short-lived. The Bandai Megazord has the ability to transform into the tank mode, and I’ll admit it does look sharp.
As I blazed through this brief article I was taken back to the review I did of Bandai’s Super Robot Chogokin Megazord and realized that I want that level of play in this Megazord. The Toys R Us exclusive has a ton of potential as an ultimate transforming and posing toy, but falls short. It’s amazing how a a little thing like lack of articulation can rattle my saber, but in this case, with the price point, I do expect more.
If you are interested in purchasing this figure you can still pick it up at: