DC Collectibles recently introduced a new collection to its Designer Series line of figures. Following up its über-popular line of Greg Capullo Batman figures, DC Collectibles debuts a new wave based on Jae Lee’s work on the DC Comics New52 title Batman/Superman.
Sculpted by Jonathan Matthews, the new line of Jae Lee figures features Superman, Batman, Catwoman, and the reason I brought you all together here today: Wonder Woman.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure how DC Collectibles was going to pull off Jae Lee’s distinct style. Let’s just say the production pictures don’t do the figures justice. Especially when it comes to Wonder Woman. I don’t mind admitting here I was pleasantly surprised by Jonathan Matthews interpretation of Lee’s work.
Wonder Woman’s got a nice sculpt to her; she’s got a good look to her face, not to mention her neck and collarbone (is that weird to notice collarbone sculpting?!?! See for yourself!) as well.
The detailing in her costume is fairly impressive. Her skirt and boots have a leather-ish look to them, likewise with the armor on her arm and on her shins (it looks like armor, that is. Not leather).
The paint apps on Wondie are nice as well. The colors on her costume are muted and have a real-world feel to them. She’s also got those blue highlights in her hair that I’m not exactly crazy about, but now I’m just being nitpicky.
Jae Lee’s Wonder Woman has all the articulation you’ve come to expect from DC Collectibles’ figures. She’s got those handy dandy ball-hinged joints in her shoulders, swivel points in her thighs, and those really nifty joints in her hips that allow her legs to extend outward to her sides. Wondie’s head gets a nice range of motion, even with the molded hair.
Everyone’s favorite Amazonian also comes with a sword and a staff. All in all, she’s a nice follow up to the Capullo Designer series. Here’s hoping the Jae Lee line will continue and we’ll get Supergirl and Lois figures too.
Jae Lee’s Designer Series Wonder Woman retails for $24.99 and is available now at your favorite comic shop or online as well.
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