New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!
This week’s featured custom is Jakethy’s Hate-Monger:
Hate-Monger is one of those ‘only in comics’ type of characters I love to see made into customs. He’s in that class of comic book adversary that is comical, scary and offensive all at the same time. You know Mattel and Hasbro aren’t going to be making this guy or any of his Nazi brethren any time soon (understandably).
Jakethy based this Hate-Monger custom on a recipe from customizer extraordinaire Cal and has added his own flair and style to the figure to make it his own. The sculpting on that crazy mask and the boot cuffs fit the factory figure perfectly and the paint job has nice depth to it. I can’t tell if it’s a wash or drybrush, but I love the way the purple came out on this guy. Brilliant line work on the ‘H’ and the lighter purple trim, too. Check out Jakethy’s thread by clicking one of the above pics. There are a few WIP shots and a ton of other cool customs to marvel at (his Mallah is pretty much perfect).
Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs! Click the below pics for links to each customizer’s thread and tell them what you think!
Thanks for looking, and check back in a week for the next edition of New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread on the Fwoosh forums.