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Top Ten: Making Masters of the Universe Classics More Savage (Using Only Filmation)


I love Masters of the Universe. I know, that is probably pretty much understood at this point, but it really is one of my most beloved properties of all time. It was my favorite toy line as a little kid and it is my favorite toy line as a big kid, too. So, when someone asks me what my favorite ”time” or “version” or “influence” of Masters of the Universe is, I am never able to give them an answer; I pretty much love it all. I like the techno-warrior influence from the original line, the fantasy aspect of the Filmation show, the fairy tale inspiration of Princess of Power, and even the all-encompassing nature of Classics.

So when I think of the representation from all of those corners in the modern action figure line, I love seeing all of them come together into one cohesive series of cutting edge nostalgia (how’s that for a new collector buzz phrase?), and we have gotten a very nice balance of all of those places thus far. Sure, I would like to see additional New Adventures characters come through, and more mini-comic guys are always a plus, but where I want to see the most movement in this line at this juncture is from the early, savage side of MOTU and from the two Filmation shows. Now, on the surface, the two seem completely unrelated; however, if you think about it, you can actually get a lot of traction out of both influences with some untapped characters from the shows. Using this idea, I wanted to put together a top ten list of characters that would help make Masters of the Universe Classics more savage.


However, there is the special caveat to this top ten: it is being made with the thought of bringing a bit more a savage edge to MOTUC, but I am going to do ONLY using Filmation characters. Don’t worry, the accomplishment is not as remarkable as you might think because when you dive into the characters, the designs and themes are all there. Trust me. Now, this would also be done with the understanding that the Fimation designs will be plussed-up a bit to match the Classics aesthetic (as the Horsemen have been doing for years now), so please take that into consideration. Frankly, I can already see a lot of these characters passed through a William George, Earl Norem, or even Frank Frazetta brush and coming out completely appropriate for the exercise at hand.

So here are my picks for some savage elements that MOTU Classics needs, but trust me, there is a laundry list in addition to these that can also work.

General Tataran

Hey, you know what MOTUC needs more of? Frikkin’ GOBLINS. I cannot believe I even have to say this, but the line needs goblins. Goblins always help to make fantasy more savage, and the old Filmation show featured a very prominent Goblin in General Tataran. He was the leader of the goblins on Eternia and showed up in three episodes, which is more than most characters. His design definitely makes for a cool toy concept, and if Mattel packaged a generic head or two along with him, the figure instantly becomes an army builder. Bully! Masters needs goblins. We just need them. We need them to be fodder for He-Man, and we need Tataran for another great independent villain.


King Ahgo

Oh hey, you know what else MOTUC needs more of? Frikkin’ TROLLS! Trolls to go with goblins. Trolls to fight goblins. Trolls to fight Hordak. Trolls to fight everybody. King Ahgo has such a badass design, he showed up in several She-Ra episodes and, strangely enough, is a good guy! The good King of Trolls can be a valuable asset to the Great Rebellion and in the hands of the Horsemen, they could come out looking very savage. Toss in an extra head for Grox (even if it would not be 100% for the costume) and you instantly have two trolls to toughen up you collection.


Let’s see, she is a Snake Clan leader from ancient Eternia. That just about checks all of the boxes, no? I remember thinking she should be a bad guy as a kid because she usually had a sour puss look to her, but either way, the armor and serpentine influence makes for a great design that could fight right alongside your Vikor figure.

King Tamusk


Now here is a design for a king fit for a more savage Eternia. King Tamusk has such a great look to him that is much more raw and tough than a lot of other Filmation designs. I love the beard and overgrown mustache, and his horned crown is just perfect for a cool action figure. His rugged cape and loincloth make the grade and his club is an under-utilized weapon on Eternia. Plus, a simple repaint and you can also get King Barbo!


Hunga the Harpy

Hey you know what MOTUC needs more — okay, okay, I will stop. But seriously, we need HARPIES too. Winged she-devil birds that can attack from the sky and pester the Etheria folks, or an ancient Eternian king would do wonders for the line. Now, Hunga would take a lot of new tooling, but the wings are all set, and she is a very prominent character that still is without an action figure, and the classic harpy design is savage at its best. Oh, again, include a generic head and we have another army builder. Goblins, and trolls, and harpies, oh my!



Now, Snowflake might have only had one episode on the He-Man show, but, man, her character design is just the tops. I am actually surprised she is not more popular and demanded, but I want change that trend right now. She wears a little fur outfit and a helmet with horns. Eric Treadaway could make her looks like such a savage badass, and I can already see her fighting in the pits right alongside Vykron. Make it so.


Look at him! Look. At. Him. Jeezy Creezy, this guy looks like he could take on the all of the Evil Warriors by himself. Kol-Darr’s armor and helmet are quintessential barbarian fantasy, and, like Snowflake, I can’t believe he is not more popular because of it. He would not be a particularly expensive figure to produce, but, man, he could fit into many different battle situations at just about era.


Scantily-clad valkyrie lady? Yes. I love Illeena’s design and her episode was actually pretty heavy for a kid’s cartoon in the 1980s. However, like some many of these other characters, her design lends itself to lots of possible scenarios, so even if you are not familiar with these characters, or you don’t dig their Filmation characterization, you can make them whatever you want. Again, have Ileena fight alongside Oo-Larr. Or she and Teela can kick everyone’s butt. Speaking of Teela, Ileena can easily be built on the Battle Ground version’s base.


A witch that dresses in an owl motif needs to be a part of my action figure collection. Make her a foil for the Sorceress or an ancient thorn in the side of Eldor. Whatever you choose, I can see the details brought out in this figure to match any Frazetta painting, and there you go. I know the colors are pretty garish for a grittier take, but I actually like them as-is because they are a stark contrast for a witch that would dare walk around in Enternian owl pelts.


Our half-naked barbarian men and women have been waiting for an opportunity to fight a gargoyle man just like this. I can already see it so perfectly, can you? Now, Dragoon got pretty big on the show, but he was also human height, so he does not have to necessarily be a deluxe figure, but I would not argue if they wanted to go that way. Any way I can get a Dragoon, I will take it because he is ready to torch your entire collection and only your savage Masters can stop him.


Bonus deluxe item: Sha’gora

We could not take a savage article all the way through without invoking a little Lovecraft-ian, uh, love, right? Sha’gora is right out of a horrific nightmare, and I want He-Man to be able to fight that. Sure, the chances of Sha-gora getting made is pretty slim due to the 100% new parts requirement and the fact that there is no way it could be released in any way than a deluxe figure, but man, with all kinds of added wrinkles and boils and such would make for a disgusting scourge for Eternia to suffer. I don’t think I could live without him/her/it.

Don’t think that just because I limited this to a top ten that this is the end of road as far as Filmation possibilities go. Frankly, I could have run a top twenty and still had room to spare. It was hard leaving off the likes of Angast, Braylok, Danavas, Cambro, Sibyline, Gedge, Crimson Scourge, Gryphon, Ice Lord, Daimar, Garn (he has a mini-comics version that would work wonderfully as well), Molkrom, Queen Balina, Rago, etc., but the line had to be drawn somewhere.

These are my picks. I want more savage elements in my MOTUC, and I want more Filmation characters. Frankly, I see those two go hand in hand very, very well. Just imagine all of these characters brought to Classics with the aesthetic details that the line requires. Vikor’s axe is ready and more fierce allies are always needed. Oh, and goblins, and harpies, and trolls, oh YES! What are your pick? Think this works? Sound off below.

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