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Masters of the Universe Classics: Update on the King Hssss Snake Form


So, I am sure you remember that truly awesome Earl Norem-inspired King Hssss snake torso that we saw at SDCC last year, right? We knew from the start that it would not come in the Snake Armor He-Man vs Battle Ground Hssss pack, but we finally have confirmation on how it will be released.

Skeletor’s Love Child provided an update on the Matty Forums, but here it is in full:

I know you guys have been wondering about King Hssss and now that I have some concrete answers I can share what’s going on.

Yes, the new torso was scheduled to be released with Buzz Saw Hordak. However, when we tried to combine the two we found out that it wouldn’t be possible to do so due to costs. We tried a few different options (alternate packaging, higher price point, etc.), but none of these choices made sense (business or common).

So here’s what we’ve decided to do: King Hssss will still be released in 2015 but he will arrive as a complete figure. Accessories, alternate head, another set of legs…it will all be there. After reviewing all the different factors that went into making this product this was the only thing that made sense as well as the right thing to do. We know that promises were made regarding how you were supposed to receive this figure but ultimately…it just wasn’t possible. It didn’t sit well with any of us to force you to pay a premium for this item so we decided to put the power in your hands.

As a sub holder you will not be locked in to purchasing this figure. King Hssss will be offered during the month of November as an add on item. If you want him, he’ll be available during Early Access; if not, you won’t be obligated to purchase. All remaining stock not purchased will be offered during our November All Access sale.

There will be pictures posted of the bendy headed Snake Men leader at a later date, but I didn’t want to wait any longer to give you a heads up.

Transparently Yours,

Skeletor’s Love Child


So there you have it. I am interested to see what the final release will look like.