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The Castle of Power: Huk Custom Kit

Castle of Power Huk_01I love that we have so many cool third-party custom kits available for Masters of the Universe Classics, and The Castle of Power consistently produces beautiful work that integrates wonderfully with the MOTUC line. The latest kit from The Castle of Power (better known around the Fwoosh boards as Zombihamma) helps to convert a figure into a MOTUC styled version of Galaxy Warriors Huk.  Who is Huk, you say? Read on…

Castle of Power Huk_02Huk was a figure from an old MOTU-inspired line from the ’80s called Galaxy Warriors.


There were quite a few of these MOTU-compatible lines back then including Remco’s Warrior Beast and Warlord figures, Defenders of the Planet, and Galaxy Fighters. As a kid, I never had any of these figures and coveted all of the new characters from these lines my friends had, and I, consequently, love to see customs of these characters in MOTUC style.

Castle of Power Huk_03Galaxy Warriors also has an interesting connection to painter Frank Frazetta. It looks like the artwork for the packaging, weapons, and some characters were directly inspired by Frazetta. Check out this blog post for more info. It seems pretty clear that Huk was directly inspired by his Conan painting “The Frost Giant’s Daughter.”

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So between the Zombihamma sculpting goodness, Frazetta inspiration, and ’80s figure pedigree, this kit is Christmas in my book.

Castle of Power Huk_10What You Get

The kit comes with a head, a sword, an axe, a shield, and an armor piece. The armor piece is designed to attach to the existing He-Man armor, so you can glue the armor piece on, attach the head and weapons, and you have an instant new character with little to no customizing required.

Castle of Power Huk_04I did a little custom painting to my He-Man base to make him fit a little better with the finish on the weapons and the original Huk’s red loincloth, but I don’t think it’s required to make this kit look great.

Castle of Power Huk_05Sculpt

As you expect with Zombihamma’s Castle of Power projects, the sculpting is top-notch. The Frazetta feel is completely evident in Huk’s prominent nose and massive beard.

Castle of Power Huk_06The weapons and armor are also inspired by the Galaxy Warrior sword, armor, axe, and shield, but have the sharp detail improved a thousand fold. I love all the nicks and dents evident in the armor as well.

Castle of Power Huk_07The sword and axe are also Frazetta-inspired and look great with any character. The axe especially seems inspired by Frazetta’s Death Dealer and would be useful for a MOTUC-style custom of that character.

Castle of Power Huk_08Paint

The skin tone on this piece matches well with the He-Man base body, and there are great-looking washes to highlight details here. The weapons have a cool, bright metallic sheen with a grungy wash that looks fantastic.

Castle of Power Huk_09Overall

Put together, this warrior has awesome presence on the shelf and can fit into a MOTUC collection in a lot of fun ways. I have him with my customized barbarian warrior group, but I could easily see him joining the Masters of the Universe alongside He-Man, Fisto, and Ram Man. You can grab your own Huk hit in the usual spot at the Castle of Power Facebook Page. Check the “About” section.

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