I don’t know about you guys but I’m always hunting for a deal. This action figure addiction can get expensive. I’m going to assume all of you also like saving some money so here’s some sales I ran across this morning while trying to feed the plastic monster.
Amazon has some of the Ant-Man Legends Infinite wave for $17.99 apiece. And it’s not the figures you would think would be one sale. No, it’s Wasp, Tiger Shark, Grim Reaper, and movie Ant-Man. Giant-Man and Bulldozer are still $21.99 and are in stock. You all know my love of the new body on Reaper so I gotta grab a couple of him.
ToysRUs is having an interesting Marvel Legends sale too. First, if you’ve been passing on the Marvel Infinite Series movie Ant-Man with Ant because of price, they have it marked down to $17.99.
There is also a sale on ALL Marvel Legends figures. Again, today’s magic number is $17.99.
The pic shows the above Ant-Man with Ant again, and most of the Ant-Man Legends are in stock, but pay special attention to the “ALL” in the ad. That’s right, pre-orders are on sale too. And TRU happens to have most of Spider-Man Legends Infinite Wave 2 up for pre-order.
Scarlet Spider, White Tiger, Kraven, Ghost Rider, Misty Knight, and Superior Venom are all still available. Unfortunately Chameleon is already sold out. Drats. The listings state a release date of August 12th.
We’ve reviewed both Kraven and Ghost Rider. Excellent figures, get you pre-order in.
Odd that the Avengers Legends wave with Dr. Strange and company hasn’t shown up in numbers. Still hunting those down.