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Fwooshcast Episode 16: The SDCC Report!


Tony is joined by Nic and Robo, who just returned from the 2015 San Diego Comic Con!

They discuss convention malaise, MOTUC, Thundercats, Star Wars Black, Marvel, DC, Mezco, and much more.

Want to know where Nic will put Snake Mountain? How Robo finds a place to smoke in San Diego? How long it takes Tony to assemble a sprue kit? These great questions and many more are answered in the episode below.


NOTE: If you haven’t already listened to Nic and Matthew’s interview with Eric Treadaway of Four Horsemen Studios, you should absolutely do it. Nic got the lowdown on MOTUC, Thundercats, Mythic Legions, and more.


Keep the conversation going in the comments below and on the Fwooshcast Facebook Page.

Check in with Nic @FwooshVeeBee and Tony @CostumeContume on Twitter.

This episode will be also available for download on iTunes, and streaming on the Fwoosh YouTube Channel and Stitcher.