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figma: Silent Hill Pyramid Head

figma Silent Hill Pyramid Head featured

Introduced in the 2001 Silent Hill 2 game, Pyramid Head is a huge hit amongst horror survival video game players. I’ve never played any of the Silent Hill games, but I have watched them played and they scare the hell out of me. Even during the movie I got seriously freaked out, and Pyramid Head really makes my skin crawl.

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I had to do some research on Pyramid Head, and based on what I picked up from wiki, he’s a pretty interesting character, being the physical representation of our hero’s desire to be punished for his wife’s death. Silent Hill is pretty freaky in its use of psychological terror. It’s always reminded me of a twisted Japanese adaptation of an H.P. Lovecraft story set in modern times.

The action figure is everything you would expect from figma at this point: fantastic sculpting, beautiful articulation, a ton of accessories, and tons of fun. The figure looks like it hopped right out of the screen and onto the shelves that display your favorite pieces of plastic. The head is a beautiful sculpt and one that I find myself staring at quite a bit. There’s an incredible amount of detail and personality in the sculpt, and I find myself getting a little freaked out when I look at it too long.

If there was one major drawback with the action figure that is worth pointing out, it’s the scale. I was expecting a really big action figure, something that stood 7 inches at the shoulder alone, but as it is, Pyramid Head is almost 6 inches to the top of his head. It’s really disappointing. This character really had the potential to stand out and be frightening on the shelf. As it is, he kind of disappears.

The articulation is great. All figma articulation is great — they have their standard ball-and-socket and hinged-joint system that works and seems to be plug-and-playable with just about any sculpt they make. The sculpt and the joints needed a little bit more work to blend with each other, but a minor annoyance in the scheme of things.

As with any figma action figure, you get a ton of accessories, like extra hands, a giant butcher knife, a spear, a base, and an extra neck joint. I think this is for making the character more video-game poseable, but I have no idea what the difference is. I do know that this figure is a lot of fun to play with and still makes for a scary horror character on your shelf. If only he were taller.

You can still pick him up today at:



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