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New Custom Tuesday – 8/10/2010

New Custom Tuesday is a weekly, creator submitted list of the latest custom action figures. This list provides a convenient way to check out all the latest custom creations posted in the galleries without having to search each individual thread. For this week’s customs, read on!

This week’s featured custom is BISHART’s King Webstor

King Webstor - BISHART


BISHART combined two really cool spider based characters into one uber cool monster spider motuc creature.

Having recently watched a bunch of episodes of the 2000 He-Man cartoon, I could actually see this happening to Webby in an episode.  Something like he stumbled onto the crystal of Arachnidar or the orb of Tarantulus and it mutated him.

I really like the combo of Webstor, Beast Man and He-Ro parts here.  The color scheme is also really cool.  It’s kind of neat to see a slightly more nuanced paint job than we usually see on MOTUC figures, too.    The wash on the armor parts bring out the details nicely.  There is some great photography on this figure as well.  Check out more pics and a bunch of other cool customs on BISARTS thread in our custom galleries by clicking one of the above pics.

Here’s the rest of this past week’s customs, click the pics to go to the customizer’s thread in our custom galleries:

Dark Wolf Predator - Arez
The Phantom- grinman
Scorpion (Mortal Kombat) - anthonyrapitis

Thanks for looking, and check back in a week for the next edition of New Custom Tuesday! If you are interested in submitting your customs for inclusion in an
upcoming New Custom Tuesday, check out this thread on the Fwoosh forums.