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Hasbro: Transformers Combiner Wars Firefly

Hasbro Transformers Combiner Wars Superion Firefly Fireflight featured

In the ongoing coverage of Transformers Combiner Wars Superion, we bring you Firefly, or Fireflight as us old folk know him. Actually I was really confused and I am still confused as to why he is called Firefly and not Fireflight, but I can only assume there is some sort of trademark infringement or maybe just crazy Hasbro rebranding to confuse us all.

Hasbro Transformers Combiner Wars Superion Firefly Fireflight 10

Like Silverbolt, I had to do some reading over on TFWiki to get myself caught up on Fireflight. Catching up was interesting but didn’t help me at all with getting to know the character, I’m either gonna have to go back and watch every single episode of Transformers or read every comic. I won’t do either and I’ll assign my own personality to the character for play and display purposes cutting out a ton of research (that is the Fwoosh way, right?). While I’m reading IDW’s More than Meets the Eye, I’m not keeping up with the rest of the series, and, as a result, I’m not following Fireflight’s latest adventures in the comics. I’m kinda bummed by the footnote on TFWiki under IDW since it says that Fireflight was going to join the Lost Light. Hasbro really needs to make a new Rodimus or release that Japanese exclusive as a broad release.

Hasbro Transformers Combiner Wars Superion Firefly Fireflight 12

Firefly is an excellent appendage, either as a hand or foot, he succeeds in his purpose as a Transformer robot, vehicle, and combiner. The figure is really well done. Once again, Hasbro does a great job channeling the Generation 1 look of the character and giving him some ever so slightly modern surface. Much of the detail was washed out in these pictures as I continue to have woes photographing white-surfaced action figures, but rest assured the detail is there.

The articulation on this guy is great, he’s not superposable and utilizes a simple joint scheme, but it works. I’d argue that it would be really cool to have some jointed ankles, but then I might be pushing the discussion into a collector area of discussion that I am not equipped to deal with. But he does move every way you want him to.

The plane mode is sharp as well! In all honesty, I think Firefly’s plane mode is better looking than Silverbolt, who suffers from too much robot and not enough plane when transformed into the Concorde. Firefly’s Harrier mode, on the other hand, looks great. The kid in me picks him up and flies him around the house shooting things up.

As an arm or leg Firefly works really well. It would seem that in our house he is being built as an arm, which is good since he comes with an attachment that can work as both hand or foot. But the Lobo casa is going with the right hand. And he makes an excellent right hand!

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The color on this guy pops. The colors, despite being patriotic, are great toy colors. The white, read and blue really pop and they light touches of silver really make this figure stand out. The paint is simple and does what it should, accentuates those areas like the head and eyes that need it.

As you can read, I am clearly smitten with this figure. And after taking pictures and playing with the figure, this reminded me that I need to take pics of Superion Maximus from Energon as well as the box set repaint Superion produced in Generations. Oh! The fun I will be having!

You can still pick him up on:



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Hasbro Transformers Combiner Wars Superion Firefly Fireflight 11