Figures have been tough to find at retail lately, and none have given me more trouble than the Star Wars Rebels-related figures. Thanks to a recent shipment of the newest mission series wave at Target and some great endcaps at Kohl’s, I was finally able to complete my Rebels collection this past week. Let’s take a look at some of these newer figures!
Sabine comes with the standard Stormtrooper released in the line earlier this year, a couple blaster pistols for her, and one blaster rifle for the trooper.
Sabine has been a tough figure to come by; her Mission series wave came and went at Targets in my area within a day and her price on Amazon has been obscenely high, so I was really looking forward to getting this figure. She doesn’t disappoint… much.
There is, of course, the poseability and detail deficits one would expect in a smaller 5 POA figure as opposed to my preferred 6-inch super-poseable style, but I’ve come to terms with that. What is disappointing is the paint is somewhat lacking.
Sabine has a highly detailed outfit and I’m missing paint splatters on her gloves and the checkerboard on the shoulder especially. The guns being removable from the holsters is nice, and, even with the missing paint, she is clearly Sabine and has a decent likeness.
One thing to look out for on Sabine is there seems to be a variant or a widespread mistake, I’m not sure which. On most figures I’ve seen at Kohl’s, Sabines’ helmet markings are all in black.
The trooper is the same as the single-carded figure and the one that came with Zeb. It’s a good figure and I really enjoy the army-building aspect in these Rebels Mission Series figures.
It’s especially appropriate with characters from this show as they seem to go through and kill quite a few of these guys every episode, and the armor is a more stylized version than we have seen before in figure form.
One interesting aspect of Rebels is that they have trooper commanders that wear the pauldrons I usually associate with Sand Troopers.
It was initially weird to see them on clean troopers, but I’ve warmed to the look and I’m glad to have figure representation of it. This guy can lead my army when Kallus and The Inquisitor aren’t around.
Hera is another figure I’ve been waiting for, and she is also the last of the Rebels cast to get a figure release.
I wish I liked the figure a bit more because I love the character, but the head sculpt feels a little off model and pinched. I do like the inclusion of her hold-out blaster, but I wish that it could be stored in her boot holster.
The missing paint applications on her pilot straps are also disappointing. It seems more like a playmates move than the Hasbro I remember.
This is a tough one. I bought it because of collector mentality more than really wanting a figure of Ezra in cadet disguise from the episode “Breaking Ranks.”
It’s not my favorite episode and I really didn’t need another Kanan figure. I think a better pack-in would have been Zare Leonis, a friend of Ezra’s who is working undercover as a trooper cadet and is the star of a series of young adult Star Wars novels.
They could have reused Ezra’s body with a new head.
The sculpt of Ezra is fine and his helmet works well; I just wish they could have at least included his lightsaber with this figure to spice up the package a bit.
There is a role-play toy of Ezra’s saber, but not one for his figure as of yet.
Vizago is a smuggler and arms dealer in the Rebels universe and he seems to run a criminal organization that consists of only himself and an army of IG-RM droids.
Hey, maybe that’s all you really need! These droids are significant because the design is based on early concept art for IG-88.
This type of droid has seen release by Hasbro before, but this looks to be a new Rebels-specific sculpt. I really like the paint markings on these droids, and I’m tempted to buy another and repaint it to match the green IG-RM droid seen onscreen in Rebels.
Vizago is a great sculpt and I like that they included his blaster and it works with his holster.
For an old fan of the Star Wars cantina aliens, It’s cool to see a Devaronian on screen in a more active role, so I’m very happy to have a Vizago figure.
IG-RM is pictured with a blaster rifle, but doesn’t come with one. That’s a little disappointing.
I love this idea. With the Imperial troop transport, I can never get enough Stormtroopers, and having an extra pilot to flank the inquisitor is really nice.
If they are going to do repacks, troop-builder packs are a nice way to go, especially when you can buy the figures single-carded if you want.
Overall, the Rebels figures have been a very fun sub-line to collect. So far, all we know that’s coming from this line in the future is the Vader and Fulcrum two pack.
I really hope they get to make more figures in this line including some of the upcoming guest stars in season 2 and guys from season 1 like Lando and Tarkin.