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Super7: G.I. Joe ReAction Series Three Preview

Ten-hut, maggots! There has certainly been a lot going on with G.I. Joe as of late, and three years ago me would not believe the riches we are enjoying right now. Yo Joe June is right around the corner as well, so I don’t think the new offerings are going to dry up any time soon. Super7 has been loading up on ULTIMATES! and their ReAction figure line is now in its third series with the release of this newest wave.

After such a dearth of Joe product for several years, I am really keen on the strategy that Hasbro has taken on in releasing a varied array of lines themselves, but also moving and an active licensor with the brand. That allows a company like Super7 to come in and offer things that Hasbro might not be focusing on themselves, but there is still a market for within the collecting community. To that point, Hasbro is focusing mostly on pushing the brand forward while also revisiting direct concepts (like O-Ring) from the past, while Super7 is finding its niche in the nostalgia and never-been-done area with figures based on the classic cartoon.

This new ReAction series continues to provide us with iconic characters from the cartoon, as well as character who have never had figures in any format before. Following up an army builder like the Gamemaster Drone from series two was never going to be easy to do, but I have to say that adding the Snakeling to this wave is pretty great, and another example of things I never thought I would see, but should never rule out due to Super7’s pattern deep cuts and fan favorites. 

Series three is made up of eight figures, most of whom I would consider to be pretty heavy-hitters, but I appreciate the balance not only across Joe and Cobra, but in the designs themselves. Snake Eyes, Roadblock, Flint, and G.I. Joe Soldier make up the good guys, while Cobra is being repped by Cobra Commander, Baroness, Firefly, and Snakeling. Snake Eyes and Baroness get new versions (I think these are the more preferred looks for most fans), and adding Roadblock gives you an anchor, but I love how he is taller than the rest of the group. Firefly is probably the most interesting to me in terms of design, I love the color scheme, but there is also no denying how sharp Cobra Commander looks in his classic duds. 

The Snakeling and Joe Soldier offer new additions as mentioned, but also provide another opportunity for army building. Of course that building can occur simply within the ReAction scape, but I have seen others online mix these types of figures in with other lines of comparable size to fill out some background characters. So, I think there are multiple opportunities to incorporate these guys into your collection.

This new series is now available directly from Super7, but you can also grab them from BBTS.









*Thanks again to Super7 for sending long these figures for a First Look, we really appreciate it.