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Jazwares: Fortnite Legendary Series X-Lord (Scavenger) Review

Our look at the latest Fortnite Legendary Series wave continues with the post-apocalyptic flavored X-Lord!

The box is simple and effective and shows off the figure and accessories well.

The figure comes with a mushroom, rifle, pistol, crossbow, backpack and two chainsaw swords.

The spiked satchel “back bling” attaches pretty securely via peg though it does stick out pretty far from the back once on. It looks like it does in the game mostly, but I don’t really care for the design.

The mushroom is the same one we’ve seen with other figures and can be held easily due to a hold in the stem. You just stick the figure’s thumb in the hole and it helps them hold the object. Power-ups seem like an obvious accessory for game characters, but these don’t really interest me. I would assume gamers who play the game would have more interest.

The crossbow is pretty cool. It’s rifle-length and has an almost harpoon-like arrow which looks pretty darn deadly and fits in with the post-apocalyptic vibe of this design.

The pistol and rifle both have a generic look and a semi-metallic plastic sheen to them, but fit in the hands nicely and look good with the figure.

I think my favorite accessories have to be the matched “Fang Saws” which takes the place of the usual pickaxe harvesting tools. The sculpting is nice and sharp and the flat red paint and metallic painted saw blades really pop. The chainsaw-based weapons speak to the ’80s kid in me and it really fits the overall vibe of this figure perfectly. I’m sure all the wannabe edged-weapons experts out there would scoff at the practicality of wielding such weapons, but I love this kind of nonsense. Go ahead and keep your realism for drawing room dramas and bio-pics, I’m trying to have fun over here.

I really like the sculpting on this guy. I think they capture the feel of the game design well, and that design hits a lot of the right ’80s nostalgia points for me including everything from Dreadnoks, Mad Max, Tonka Steel Monsters, Star Wars, G.I. Joes and Axl Rose. Yes, Axl Rose. Those sneakers make me think of Axl and that helmet could easily be a Star Wars bounty hunter, Cobra Merc, or a member of Lord Humungus’ crew.

Thankfully the shoulder pads don’t get in the way of articulation too much since they are a fairly soft plastic. The articulation is the standard Legendary Series style with:

  • Swivel/hinge neck, shoulders, wrists, hips, and ankles
  • hinged toes, finger grips, and butterfly pecs
  • Swivel biceps, waist, and thighs
  • Double hinged knees and elbows
  • Ball and socket mid-torso

This figure has a badly stuck right shoulder that does not want to hinge up much at all. The pec hinges don’t really get you much cross body movement, so they are kind of usesless really. I also wasn’t able to get him in a good kneel because the range of motion at the hips doesn’t kick forward far enough. I don’t think it’s affected by the belt as much as the clearance on the waist piece.

Paint is kind of nice in spots. I like that they did some dirty weathering to the helmet and shoulder pads and the flat red on the Fang Saws is cool. The flesh-colored pegs showing through on the armored left arm is a little distracting. The tattoos look pretty good until you move the shoulder strap at all and see that they didn’t finish the chest tattoo all the way through, so that can sometimes look weird depending on the pose.

The fun factor on this one is pretty high, even with the stuck shoulder joint and the design is very appealing. I think I may go to town weathering this guy completely post-apocalyptic style. Man, I wish there was a six inch scale Mad-Max inspired toy line, but I think once I weather him up a bit, this will scratch that itch for me for a bit.