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eBay Frenzy 05/12/19: Custom MOTUC, Star Wars, G.I. Joe, and Marvel Legends

It’s Sunday, who’s ready for a semi-deep dive into some of the custom action figure auctions on eBay? You know you wanna. C’mon.

Hey, let’s make Trap-Jaw just a little more disturbing. Not over the top, just edges that direction.

The use of the Venom body is a little weird but also a little interesting. I love the young Steve Rogers head though.

Benty with the cool color fades on this Clawful head!

Simple yet effective, this cardboard Star Destroyer backdrop seems like it would spruce up your Star Wars shelves. The seller also has a lot of other nifty backdrops.

I always love a clean looking Snake Eyes.

Going a little old school with a nice looking Swordsman.

Is it crazy that we’re still depending on third parties for Captain America’s Wakandan shields from Infinity War?

Just a random Lion-O head cast. Just because.

Sunspot is one of those characters that I always have a hard time imagining in plastic, especially powered up. I always gravitate towards the more body costume look with powered hands and head, but I’d totally buy something like this too.

I’m not familiar with this Ben Reilly Spider-Man look, I think it’s fairly modern, but it’s striking. Plus I’ll buy any and all Spider-Man variants. Thanks, Spider-verse!

I know this is a mash-up of Solo Patrol Trooper and a Biker Scout model kit, but I just love the sleek look of this…..Patrol Biker? Patrol Scout? Ooo, Patrol Scout, yeah.

So clean, so much better than the Legends version we have. It’s time for an updated Angel.

Lastly, it’s unfair how talented LooseCollector is. It makes me sick. Totally makes me yearn (yes, yearn) for a new comic style Dr. Strange.