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Bandai: S.H. Figuarts Avengers: Endgame Black Widow and Ant-Man Review

This was one of those times I should have used the blue background. I know. It was when I was editing the pis that I realized this. You see, Bandai’s latest releases from S.H. Figuarts, Black Widow and Ant-Man, have some seriously black costumes that blend perfectly into the background.

Both figures are from the recently released Avengers: Endgame movie in the theaters now. You might have heard it is doing extremely well and has received some pretty amazing reviews from critics and viewers alike. I will not spoil this movie. I will do my best.

The costumes portrayed on these figures are directly out of the recent Endgame movie, they are true to the movie and really pop. Black Widow is a totally new sculpt and is freaking out of this world. She is tons of fun to play with and outside of the heels poses and holds poses well. As usual, heels on action figures can be tricky, in real life they might be easy to balance on, but challenging with 6 inch action figures.

Ant-Man is a great figure and I was comparing it to the Avengers Infinity War action figure and I can’t make up my mind about this being a new sculpt. I don’t think it is a new sculpt but a re-issue and a re-issue where they fixed some production snafu’s. Nothing major but just some here’s and there’s.

The head sculpts on the figures are the best I’ve seen so far. I really love the Paul Rudd sculpt and this Scarlett Johansson is pure magic. Both head sculpts suffer a bit from the Bandai “out of focus” painting, but the sculpt is all there. ScarJo’s eyes to the side head sculpt is a bit off, and quite honestly unnecessary, it doesn’t add value to the figure. The extra Ant-Man helmeted head makes sense, helmet on helmet off.

As per the norm, the figures come with extra hands, and in the case of Black Widow extra guns, holsters, and some hitting sticks. I like ’em all and they are fun to mess around with.

Time for the verdict, worth it or not. Totally worth it! I love this Black Widow sculpt, it looks amazing and the head sculpt is really a joy. And making this set totally worth it is the Paul Rudd head sculpt. It’s a winner.

You can pick these up today at:

No where. Man these are sold out all over the place!