Bandai does amazing work with their S.H. Figuarts Star Wars line, but one minor frustration I have with them is that they show us tons of cool prototypes without telling us when they will be released! Many of the figures we have seen prototypes were eventually released, but there are quite a few that have not escaped. Here’s my Top 5 most wanted:

5. Jar Jar Binks
Yeah, I know. He’s controversial to say the least, but as a main Episode I character with a unique design, my shelf cries out for this guy. Plus, I actually like the big goof. The prototype Bandai showed looked really good, though the paint is a bit off on the arms. I’m hoping they’ll add the skin pattern to him and some matching color elbow joints and release him sooner rather than later.

4. Prequel Yoda
Another moment from the prequels I love is when Yoda beats up on Count Dooku in Attack of the Clones, leaping around like a demented frog-monster. I know that moment doesn’t work for a lot of fans, but I enjoyed the heck out of it and it was a big applause moment every time I saw that movie in the theater.

We’ve seen Prequel Yoda with a flowing robe and even his council chair, so I hope he’d come with parts to make both looks.

3. Super Battle Droid
I don’t think I’ve really come to grips with how much I’m jonesing for prequel figures until right now, but my Clone Army needs more Battle Droids to fight and the Super BD seems like a much more formidable opponent than the spindly B1s we have. Bandai nailed the metallic look on the proto, so I really hope this one makes it out sooner rather than later.

2. Queen Amidala
This dress is my absolute favorite Padme look and is one of the key images from the pre-Episode I release publicity. That movie is so old, I’m starting to have nostalgia for it now! The figure would likely be a traffic cone, but that would not bother me in this case. If they would work some lights into the base, I’d love it.

We are way overdue for Ewoks in the Black Series line, so I was super happy to see the Wicket prototype from Bandai. He’s an integral Star Wars character and Bandai nailed his look, I can practically hear the yub nub.
Well, that’s my top 5 from Bandai’s prototypes, what’s yours?