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eBay Frenzy 01/27/19: Lots of X-Men Customs And Some Other Stuff

“Other stuff.” That’s what the ol’ Frenzy has become, smothered in Marvel Legends, covered with more and more X-related customs, chunked with a few Star Wars or DC, and scattered altogether. Wait, I may be hungry…

For you uncultured swine, that’s a Waffle House reference. And I am, in fact, starving.


Like this Odin. It took me a minute to realize just what was going on here, but when I did I realized how brilliant it really is.

I’ve been becoming more and more interested in realistic takes on cartoon designs or color schemes, so this C-3PO is calling to me.

I liked the Venom movie well enough, but it’s my not-so-secret love of black and white that fuels my desire for more Venoms and Symbiote Spideys. I just can’t help myself. Plus I just like the proportions and cleanliness here.

I’ll be honest, I haven’t read a comic with Rachel in this costume, but it’s a nifty update. I’ll take a figure of the hound look all day but this would find it’s way to my shelves too.

This Cyber is another easy recipe but executed so well. The blue does it for me.

Benty is going to make every Thing look there is, and there isn’t a damn thing wrong with that. I’m still waiting on spiky Thing, now that I have a great basic Thing on the shelf.


I have an unfortunate Tigra shaped hole in my collection. No, that one doesn’t count. I want a good one.

And older base body but mmmmmmmmm, Guardsman.

It actually surprises me we haven’t seen Carrion in a Spider-Man wave yet.

It wouldn’t be a Frenzy without a Storm. A little modern but…Storm. We need more Storms.

Every now and then the talk turns to Inferno, which turns to Goblin Queen and a lot of superhero costumes ripped up for no reason. They get into rough and tumble fights all the time with a few tears but the world goes to hell and suddenly the uniforms are absolutely shredded? And I still love it.

I know we’re getting a Blink from Hasbro, but this one’s face captures that Exiles look better for me. Almost as if Calafiore himself sculpted it.

Storm. In white. And I still want it. If this custom looks familiar, Babcsan had a similar one up a few months ago. It’s close but different. No really, it is.

I didn’t play a lot of Marvel vs. Capcom and this Cable isn’t my favorite look, but good gravy is the sculpt and paint here absolutely gorgeous.

We see a lot of Deadpools, and a lot of mash-up Deadpool, and alternate reality Deadpool, and I nearly scrolled past this WW2 inspired Deadpool but stopped. The sculptwork, the muted colors, the design on the dog. Hell, there’s even a DP bike in there. Yup. It’s awesome.

And finally, Hemingway. I just love the look of the custom. Enough to make me go research who Hemingway is. Yes, you guessed it, I somehow missed the Generation-X series.